Sin… And Salvation

TUES., MAR. 8, 1994, 3:00 AM

Clearly, Christianity is a religion of sin. We are created sinful, but since all that God creates is good, you are part of the paradox that sinfulness is good. You are sinful in order that you may be forgiven. When forgiveness is bestowed it can be accepted, and then you are truly forgiven. You then will do fewer sinful acts, but even the ones that you do shall not take you away from My presence.

Forgiveness and the salvation that comes with your acceptance of forgiveness are like unto each of the sacraments your denomination accepts as means of grace. It is like Holy Communion in that it is continuously repeated… from which your spirit grows. You need the body and the blood each time you receive them. It also is like unto baptism, done once and for all. Once you are baptized you needn’t be baptized again… once you are forgiven there is no need to be forgiven again. Both/and.

It is good to live a life that is relatively sin-free. I would never say otherwise. Yet many of the activities of life, especially during youth and young adulthood are tinged… to flooded… with sin. I want you to experience this earth life, and part of this should be experience with sin. Awareness and appreciation are critical. The sinless way is the better way to live… and yet… you also need the experience of being forgiven.

Most women who have babies experience labor pains. These can be awful, but then comes the new born babe, and the pain is relieved but not forgotten. It becomes part of the whole beautiful experience. Birth would simply be less memorable if there were no pain preceding the “delivery.”

You have contemplated the silliness of a continuing sin… forgive… sin… forgive… hourly, daily, even momentarily. But remember that you must want forgiveness and must strive to avoid further sin of the same sort. Again, you have knowledge of 2 complimentary truths: if you sin you must seek forgiveness and accept it with resolve to avoid this in the future AND you already are forgiven, saved, washed clean as new-fallen snow. Both/and.

You commit more sins of omission than commission. Your life could be fuller if you would ____________ and would write to ____________ and would go and visit ____________. It mostly seems as though your life were plenty full, but you may strive to accomplish more… because of the “energy” that comes with the salvation that always is with you, given in such a way that it cannot be lost or taken away. It’s a strange and wonderful part of earth life. Perhaps it is time to sleep now, so finish later.

( 3:42 AM / 5:05 AM )

I have indicated to you many times and in many ways that I approve of and love diversity within My human family and even within that special portion who are Christian. Some denominations focus more on the human as a sinful creature, tainted by the original sin of Adam, now “inherited” through procreation. Many sins are defined, and there is much lamenting of the sinfulness of “brothers and sisters” and much celebration in breaking free of the bonds of sin. Behavior after redemption must appear to be perfect and sin-free. This produces some wonderful restricted behavior and also a lot of hiding and hypocrisy.

In relative contrast other traditions focus on humans as creations of God, a little lower than the angels. There is little focus on sin and sins, because it is assumed that Jesus, the Christ, took and continues to take these upon Himself, leaving us free to live joyfully and positively… and probably as sin free as those who focus upon the hatefulness of sin.

TUES., MAR. 8, 1994, 3:00 AM

Clearly, Christianity is a religion of sin. We are created sinful, but since all that God creates is good, you are part of the paradox that sinfulness is good. You are sinful in order that you may be forgiven. When forgiveness is bestowed it can be accepted, and then you are truly forgiven. You then will do fewer sinful acts, but even the ones that you do shall not take you away from My presence.

Forgiveness and the salvation that comes with your acceptance of forgiveness are like unto each of . . .

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