Sin… Sinned… Sinning…

THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, 2000, 8:53 AM

The reading and discussing of 1 John this morning, after a simple morning meal, did have you consider the meaning of these three titular words. And, naturally, I, Holy Spirit, am here to help, as you expected. Sin is a condition of the spirit, and mainly involves turning away from Me, as your Triune God. Oh, there are acts and behaviors that qualify as sin, but “real sin” is a turning away from Me.

One trait of yours that has been good for you as a middle-class American male is independence. Oh, you have related well with others, and have had no major disputes relating to this trait, but you have valued independence and are uncomfortable when you must be dependent. (And I realize that “interdependence” is a kind of “middle ground,” when independent persons give up some of “this” to another or others, but… carefully and somewhat reluctantly. In turn, you may take away some of the independence of some others, for your mutual benefit. It doesn’t always work, perfectly, but this is the “plan.”) ( 9:08 / 9:11 )

Sin “appears” when you become too independent of Me. So that which is a good, valued way of thinking and behaving becomes a sin, when it relates to Me. But, of course, there is sin in relation to other people and to the environment. You are not surprised, as many folk, including Christians, would be at this notion of sinning in relation to the environment. ( 9:17 / 9:22 ) Actually, it mostly comes back to people, for much of sinning in relation to the environment is in making the earth “less livable,” now… and for future generations. Actions now can, and will, make life more difficult for future humans… and this becomes selfishness… certainly a sin.

So, certainly, you have sinned in your life, and you admit such. But you also have accepted that I, as Jesus, the Christ, did, mystically, take these sins upon Myself, dying for you, absolving you of your sins… even these many years later. Your streak of independence must be “diluted” in order to accept such a “gift” from Me. You’ve done pretty well with this, and these Teachings from Me are a help.

It also is quite mystical that you have sinned, throughout your life, you are still sinning in several ways, and yet you accept that I can and do negate these sins and continue to come to you as a friend and as the Redeemer. This is somewhat like your immune system. When it is healthy it deals with invasions of organisms that could cause illness, even bodily death, so that no harm results… and you’re not even aware of this protection. Your trust in Me, your dependence on Me acts in a similar way in relation to sin and sins. And so, as you are forgiven, so you should forgive others. “Freely ye have received, freely give.”

Now of course the reality I have “taught” you proclaims that this relationship with sin is seldom “settled” in one earth life. As you come across for a “closer walk with Me,” in the not too distant future you and I will consider your life, as Bob Russell, along with previous “lives” and will see, together, how your sin and your sins and your sinning ARE… in contrast with your close, continuing relationship with Me, through these Teachings.

You may need to “come back,” for you feel, now, that you’re not yet ready to give up this developed soul, even to be “in Me.” When you see that as an almost ultimate sin, and have it forgiven you will be “ready.”

Actually you’re now entering a “preview” of this final giving up of your soul to Me. You are aware that you have had other lives, here in the earth and in other “mansions.” BUT this is the only life you really know, AND… hence, you want to hold onto it. So We shall have to see and evaluate how you live and are during these pre-death “times.” How well you “do” this will give Us (you and Me) a good idea of how close you are to rejoining Me and giving up this soul We’ve been developing.

THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, 2000, 8:53 AM

The reading and discussing of 1 John this morning, after a simple morning meal, did have you consider the meaning of these three titular words. And, naturally, I, Holy Spirit, am here to help, as you expected. Sin is a condition of the spirit, and mainly involves turning away from Me, as your Triune God. Oh, there are acts and behaviors that qualify as sin, but “real sin” is a turning away from Me.

One trait of yours that has been good for you as a middle-class American male is . . .

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