
THURS., JUNE 4, 1992, 6:21 AM

Every now and again, o son, you need to hear some thoughts, from Me about sinful acts and the whole “aspect” of being sinful. I initially defined sin and declared it to be. I also, indirectly, caused the first sinners to do what I had told them not to do. So, believe Me, I know a lot about sin and being sinful.

I’ll repeat the basic premise: being sinful is being apart from Me. Conversely, if you are in close communion with Me you do not sin. Do certain actions always take you away from Me? Only if your spirit allows this. I do not move away from you, no matter what your actions may be. This is a characteristic of Mine that many Christians do not understand. Whatever relationship you have with Me… I do not move away from you. If some action or some thoughts seem to separate us, that separation is you moving from Me, not My leaving you.

Guilt can cause this, and, as I’ve said to you before, while there is some merit in guilt, it usually causes more harm than good. But I introduced and encouraged it, so there’s no one to “blame” but Me. As Jesus I did encourage forgiveness and did assert that I, as heavenly Father, did and do forgive. I, as Holy Spirit, encouraged Paul to reach and write about the grace that resulted from My death and resurrection, as Jesus. This is the overriding truth. I do not want sin to stand between Us and hinder our desirable close relationship.

You have a sinful nature. Every human has, for this is a “part” of coming into the earth. You also have a holy nature, because your spirit comes from Me and shall return to Me when your soul completes its development. Why is this so? Because this is a basic premise of the earth realm as I created humans for it… and when I say “humans” I’m referring to those with a divine soul, not just homo sapiens as a creature.

There is truth in both creation stories. That’s why there are two of them. In one I created the human out of a clump of earth. This was the male, and from one of his ribs came a woman. The truth is that you are a part of the earth and all of its myriad life, and that man and woman are interrelated, woman from man, and man from woman… an equality in My sight and in My intentions.

In the other I simply created the human, male and female. The truth is that I breathed a holy soul into already formed creatures, and you then became what I wanted you to be. There is spirit in all life forms… in the earth itself. The soul is that which makes that spirit everlasting and eternal… on a developmental journey away from Me and, finally, back to Me. Is this really necessary? Nothing is “necessary” with Me, but, as the Creator, I have created and I still create as I wish. The question as to why a soul is on a spiritual path, developing back toward Me is somewhat comparable to why a baby is conceived, born, grows to maturity, and then dies. Is one life any more “sensible” than continuing life?

I had some “bad words” to say about guilt, but I’ll counter with the truth that you should feel regret for sinful acts and your sinful nature. This should urge you to make amends, if possible, and act more lovingly and helpfully in the future. The realization of sin should be a spur toward living more as I would have you live. You just need to realize that this is what I want. My “forte” is not punishing people for sins… even as I allow some good Christians to believe and preach such a “Gospel.”

THURS., JUNE 4, 1992, 6:21 AM

Every now and again, o son, you need to hear some thoughts, from Me about sinful acts and the whole “aspect” of being sinful. I initially defined sin and declared it to be. I also, indirectly, caused the first sinners to do what I had told them not to do. So, believe Me, I know a lot about sin and being sinful.

I’ll repeat the basic premise: being sinful is being apart from Me. Conversely, if you are in close communion with Me you do not sin. Do certain actions . . .

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