Sinful Creatures

THURS., JAN. 21, 1993, 12:33 PM

Yes, o son, I created you all as sinful creatures… a perfectly imperfect creation. I decided that this is how the earth, as a realm for spiritual growth, should be. I sort of like the myths and stories that have arisen which explain how this happened, even as the notion that I wasn’t responsible or was somewhat “hoodwinked” and overpowered is almost too fanciful for Me.

Just as My servant Paul tried to explain that the law, which was good, led to the recognition of sin, which was bad, so do I affirm that sin is a means toward spiritual growth. Sin is selfishness and self-centeredness. A strong spirit, particularly one illuminated and energized by grace, moves you away from this sin and sets you to helping others… and to serving Me.

And here’s the most interesting feature of My grace. When you truly have accepted it… been born again… have reached Christian enlightenment… have joined hands with your personal Messiah… you may continue to commit individual sins, but you do not sin… you are no longer a sinner. If the situation were such that you had as much money as your son Matthew has, you could purchase what you wanted, you could give as you would like, and the cost would be covered. You would still have more than you could spend comfortably. Now follow it thusly: if you were truly extravagant, you might eventually spend more than you have. In like fashion it is possible for a saved person to wander away and accumulate sins until I let her go. Some folks just have more sinning to do before they can comfortably rest in My everlasting arms.

I do not disdain good works and keeping the laws, as I have revealed them in a number of ways. Some non-Christians accept My grace without ever knowing about it, consciously. This is a wholly spiritual conversion and relationship. Contrarily, some Christians hear continuously about My grace… they know about it intellectually… yet they never accept it, really. They worry about sins and laws, and yet feel that they must atone, personally, for every wrong committed.

( 1:00 PM / 2:19 PM )

Remember that I, as the Risen Christ, can take the sins from numbers and numbers of persons, and still do not become a sinner… or burdened down by sin. When you truly accept My grace you become, in spirit, as I am, exposed to sin, but not becoming a sinner. Your depraved nature is still there, and you have to deal with it daily, but there no longer is a spiritual struggle. You have won… because you let Me win for you. You don’t have to do it yourself. I have taken you as My own.

Now, as I’ve said, your depraved, sinning nature remains, and it can pull you away from Me. You may or may not recognize such a situation, but I always do. I have perfect judgment as to whether I should use some of My many powers to draw you back to Me or whether I should let go of your hand and allow you to wallow in depravity again.

Now many Christians in your culture would be inclined to think of this as sexual misconduct, dangerous drunkenness or other drug abuse, or direct dishonest actions. For you, these are not as likely as reaction to financial loss or loss of health, with some, perhaps several serious disabilities. The central feature of depravity is loss of faith in Me and focal concern with yourself and your “problems.”

You can see that your culture encourages depravity, by My definition here, in its push for everyone to be self-reliant and responsible for self. There can be some good results from this, but it also encourages what I call sin.

I tell you, though I don’t tell all Christians, that the so-called Fall was part of My plan for the earth. Sin and evil are part of the plan. Death is definitely in the plan. Yet I see death as graduation and commencement – seeing how well you did in the struggle with sin and evil… how you lived, in or outside of grace… and what comes next. You will understand life much more clearly when the bodily/earth experience is over. But I offer you more glimpses and explanations through these Teachings than most people get, even some who pray fervently for My help. You live life best when you allow and encourage your spirit to lead you, day by day.

2:45 PM