Sing The Lord’s Song…

SUN., JAN. 13, 1991, 1:23 AM

In a few hours you will depart this place, a place where you have heard the Lord’s song sung… in various ways. The most dominant “singer” was this Baptist pastor who is trying to bring his congregation along with his vision of the revolution of which Christians should be a part. His is a marvelous spirit. He is one of My most select, and yet it is not easy to be a day-by-day pastor, and the son of a pastor, and see the present and the future differently from some who need you as pastor and even from your own old father. It is difficult, but he does it well.

The theme which I offer you today has, as its underlying theme, the message that the Lord’s song can be sung anywhere, in any key, in any tempo. You can be My servant anywhere, under any circumstances. You could serve Me as a dying martyr… or as one who lives on in slavery, but in peace. I hear My song, in words or in action, a high volume or in a bare whisper.

You recognize this as pointing to a theology that is accepting rather than revolutionary, one that is not popular with the people with whom you have met and certainly not with most of your group. I do not call on you to announce or extol it, but I want it to be burned upon your heart as your understanding of My nature.

This does not mean that I do not burn equally the hearts and spirits of those who see My Christian religion as one which must side primarily with the poor, the sick, and the disenfranchised. This is a powerful song, and I also love to hear it sung. I love revolutionaries, even as I, as Jesus, was not one. Oh, I did speak out against the Pharisees and certain practices of My culture, but I was not about to overturn them. I said that the law should be fulfilled, not changed. I said that the kingdom of God is within you, not in some improved society. Yet I love those who wanted to right wrongs and improve this earthly life. I heard their song and loved them for it.

A powerful personally message to you was that you could sing a song of health and wellness in spirit even if you suffered a permanent disability. When you accepted that song it brought healing, and you didn’t have to complete your life with pain and that troublesome limp. You could sing a song of contentment even if you must move from your Farm. Your acceptance of this has brought at least a respite and the pleasure of continuing life there. I called on Abraham to have faith in Me, and then I called on him to personally sacrifice his only son. What a song that was! He was willing, not to be a murderer but to be true to Me, in whatever I asked. Thus, his song was one remembered over these many years, even with deep questions about the actions and motives of both of Us.

You would like to be able to sing this song of personal relationship with Me to some of this group of which you are a part. There still may be an opportunity… or you may have to wait until the Ruminations I have suggested is a reality. Whatever the actuality, know that I hear this song from you.

The Lord’s song is a song of hope, or it may be a song of despair. Whatever the circumstances and whatever the rhythm and words, the song represents relationship with Me. It also incorporates a sense… to full knowledge… that life is for spiritual growth. Growth achieved is a means to help sing those unpleasant songs, from which growth comes. In any contest the victor and the vanquished can grow equally, or in any combination. Yet the fullest growth comes when you know your spiritual path and are true to it.

You sing the Lord’s song in this place on this domingo. Next Sunday you shall be back in your own church, reading yourself for return to teaching. The song shall be yours, but the tempo and style will be somewhat different. Here’s an analogy: this now is a verse to the Lord’s song from you. You shall return to sing the familiar chorus. Departures from your regular, expected life are verses. Then comes the chorus again, and you know how good choruses can be!

SUN., JAN. 13, 1991, 1:23 AM

In a few hours you will depart this place, a place where you have heard the Lord’s song sung… in various ways. The most dominant “singer” was this Baptist pastor who is trying to bring his congregation along with his vision of the revolution of which Christians should be a part. His is a marvelous spirit. He is one of My most select, and yet it is not easy to be a day-by-day pastor, and the son of a pastor, and see the present and the . . .

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