Sins (Again?)

THURS., APR. 25, 1996, 12 NOON

Sins are certainly a part of the Christian religion, the one in which you have been all your life, and the one in which I want you to be active. But let’s differentiate early: sin is a condition of your spirit, and sins are actions or non-actions that are not in accordance with My Scriptures or that are harmful to you or to others. And then We’ll take care of that first one: when your hand it in Mine and your spirit is attuned to Mine you have no sin. Sin and I cannot be compatible, by definition. Where I am, there is no sin.

But what about sins? Some are quite relative, in relation to a commandment and to actual behavior. “You shall not bear false witness” or you shouldn’t lie. Lying is a sin, but often absolute truth can be harmful to others and to yourself and seems to serve no purpose other than to fulfill a law. I can discern motives, and these are more the basis of the sin than actual words said. A world of pure Truth might be like a brilliant, sun-lit day, with no clouds, no diminishing of the brightness… no dawn nor no dusk. Not very interesting. So, a sin here and there, of the lying sort, may actually make life more interesting. But out-right, deliberate lying, for selfish purposes is definitely a sin.

“You shall not kill” is probably the Commandment most used as an example of a sin. To deliberately kill another human, for no reason or for some selfish reasons is a sin. But you have noted that I, as Almighty God, did a lot of direct and indirect killing in the Old Testament story. So, I couldn’t have been sinning, so there must be relativity in play, again. War involves killing, but few Christians are opposed to all war and all weapons that could kill. Capital punishment for murder is “an eye for an eye”, and that is not a discredited Scriptural truth.

Abortion is killing a potential person, but it could also be perceived that conception without intent or without the capacity to raise a child to adulthood is a sin. I am not against all abortions… and, with My concern about the increasing human population I have come to see some abortions as almost a blessing. Thus, I’m saying that the result of a sinful action may be a blessing… and the unwillingness to sin by killing may go against My overall Will.

Some in your culture continue to feel that consuming alcohol in a beverage is a sin. In contrast you drink (and occasionally too much) and even brew your own, capitalizing on the fact that this is a natural product of My Earth. As I have told you many times I am concerned only with behaviors that surface after drinking. And even here I have to compromise. I may be quite impressed with the behavior of a person, in her sober state. I am pleased with the person she is trying to be. But then I see destructive and undesirable behavior after some drinking, revealing some angers, fears, and resentments that precede sinful behavior, including speech. As you have asked, which is the human I react to most favorably: the one you are “underneath” or the one you’re trying and struggling to be? Despite the “problems approach” of your culture, I see alcohol more as a blessing than a curse. (Perhaps I could say it’s like people – a blessing in moderate numbers, but a curse with too much increase).

THURS., APR. 25, 1996, 12 NOON

Sins are certainly a part of the Christian religion, the one in which you have been all your life, and the one in which I want you to be active. But let’s differentiate early: sin is a condition of your spirit, and sins are actions or non-actions that are not in accordance with My Scriptures or that are harmful to you or to others. And then We’ll take care of that first one: when your hand it in Mine and your spirit is attuned to Mine you have no . . .

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