
FRI., APR. 1, 1983, 5:32

This is a strange title that I have given you, and you are trying too hard, o son, to justify it. Have faith that from it shall come an interesting lesson. For some time you have not had a title that was other than clear and definite. This is not an April Fool, but is a challenge to hear Me.

The colloquial meaning of skyhook is something that holds you up when there is every other reason for you to sink and flounder. So, obviously, I can be a skyhook for you or for anyone else who does call upon Me or may call on Me. It is obvious that I can and do answer prayer in times of crisis, and this is skyhook business. But also I sometimes will “hold a person up” when they do not ask… even, occasionally, when they do not believe… for I can recognize a spirit that is ready to turn to Me, and this can be a way of stimulating that coming. I may even put a prayer on one’s lips, even in one’s heart, and later that person may genuinely wonder how it all happened. He doesn’t know why, but he definitely knows that it did happen.

You see, while there is some merit in letting people take the consequences of their own disbeliefs and feelings for “doing it myself”, I still am, “at heart” an evangelist. I enjoy hanging a person on My skyhook, so that they see Me as the more desirable Way, as contrasted with the way that would result from their own direction and their “old ways”.

Your brother-in-law, Larry, is now on a skyhook. It is partly secular, but it is also partly of My engineering. Yes, there are secular skyhooks, and alcoholism treatment programs, particularly residential centers, are good examples. A person who clearly is headed for or is already in the muck and mire of drinking which is abusive to self or to others can be retrieved and held above that degradation by a skyhook which has spirit to it, but does not call upon Me, directly. A.A. is a continuing skyhook, and some will use the fellowship and the traditions as that which hold them above the muck. The more excellent and more productive way, of course, is to transfer to the hook I offer. Understand God as Me, the Holy Spirit, at One with Jesus, the Christ and with Almighty God, the Father, and you have a means to come off of the hook and continue on in life with your hand in Mine.

Perhaps Larry will accept the invitation this time. In one sense he is ready to come to Me truly, but he is hampered by years of “play-acting” at being a true servant. He knows how to appear properly religious while holding onto his own way. His problems with alcohol are a means away from that “appearance” of belonging. He may well accept My invitation this time. I cannot tell you for certain at this time.

FRI., APR. 1, 1983, 5:32

This is a strange title that I have given you, and you are trying too hard, o son, to justify it. Have faith that from it shall come an interesting lesson. For some time you have not had a title that was other than clear and definite. This is not an April Fool, but is a challenge to hear Me.

The colloquial meaning of skyhook is something that holds you up when there is every other reason for you to sink and flounder. So, obviously, I can be a skyhook for you . . .

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