Slow And Gentle

SAT., MAY 30, 1987, 6:45 AM

The rain falls this morning, slow and gentle. You, o son, have fought the rambling of your mind, which has prevented your hearing My voice. It shall come slow and gently, and not in any great rush of revelation. Just listen with your spirit. The words shall come, never fear.

This first summer class is completed, and a nice gentle experience it was. You orchestrated it well, and the appreciation was evident. Even though it was concentrated into two weeks, five hours a day, it developed a nice rhythm and balance. You were busy, but not pushed or harassed. The format is an effective one, that can be repeated, with success. What you just have accomplished is commendable, and you also have developed something for the future.

The planning for your later summer class must be done in this coming week. You have the basic format for this experience, so use that and fill in the “blanks,” with some new variety of experiences. This, too, shall be a slow and gentle time… busy, certainly, but not burdensome or hectic. It could be, however, if you don’t use this week wisely.

Our relationship, yours and Mine, is a slow and gentle one. I roused you this morning, but not in any dramatic way. You shall finish this, but in no record time. Summer is a season to be slow and gentle. You are slowly and gently entering an age span, particularly as you are still working and teaching, where slow and gentle is the appropriate pace. I do not press you to write Teachings every day, but the rhythm has been established, and you shall continue to learn from Me, mostly in a slow and gentle fashion.

Slow and gentle does not equate with lack of accomplishment. You still have much to accomplish, in your profession and, particularly, for Me. You are basically open to the opportunities I offer to you. You still often expect too much. In each group of which you are a part there will be one, two, or a small group that will truly be responding to your style or to you, personally. Don’t seek to reach everyone. The parable of the lost sheep is a good one, but it doesn’t always apply. And it seldom does in your present situation. Do not seek sudden and complete success. Respond especially to those who seek you.

You need not bring your office and your study into better order in any burst of energy, but slowly and gently you can prevent them from becoming over cluttered. A bit of regular maintenance is preferable to the frustration of excess accumulation. Hear that I do not call for you to become neat and tidy. This would be an excessive change, and it is not necessary. Just respond to your own feelings about needs for order and basic cleanliness.

Be not overconcerned with the daily events in world news. (This is surely no great change!) Keep reasonably abreast of happenings, but just know that I am still “in charge,” and the basic balance is as I wish it to be. Painful events are sometimes necessary for later results. Just trust… and do what you can to maintain peace and harmony.

You shall return this week to perusal of a number of My earlier Teachings to you. I urge this upon you, for this functional reason and also just for the pleasure of these insights into life, some very personal, some almost universal, and many betwixt and between.

SAT., MAY 30, 1987, 6:45 AM

The rain falls this morning, slow and gentle. You, o son, have fought the rambling of your mind, which has prevented your hearing My voice. It shall come slow and gently, and not in any great rush of revelation. Just listen with your spirit. The words shall come, never fear.

This first summer class is completed, and a nice gentle experience it was. You orchestrated it well, and the appreciation was evident. Even though it was concentrated into two weeks, five hours a day, it developed a nice rhythm and balance . . .

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