Slow Change… Good?!

AUG. 29, 2000, 12:01 PM

The experiences of life for you now, o son, are a rather different mixture or blend than in your “working years.” Then… the body was relatively strong and healthy as an expectation, but your social, academic and environmental life had a good deal of variation. (It was mostly good, but there was a lot of variety.) Now… your academic life is over (except for these “visits” to this office and Department) and your social and environmental “lives” are more “restricted” (though mostly to what is desirable). But your body is slowly changing in ways leading toward your exit from this earth… which, positively, means movement toward spiritual realms.

Thus far you are making good decisions, and are living life in pretty good balance. The “trick” is to accept that one or more of these physical “loses” may end this physical portion of Bob Russell’s life, but still be more and more aware and appreciative of this life, even as you shall not focus just on prolonging it. (Eschew the “Dr, Dr, Save me, save me!”)

You are pleased to still have this small office, amid the others in your former Department. Yet you also realize that you are slowly “moving away” from this whole University scene. It was a wonderful part of your life, but it is “moving away” from you, and you are “moving away” from it. This generally represents a good balance, so maintain it as long as it “seems right.” You’ll know.

As you compare yourself with Elena, Don, Frances, Dee and others you see a contrast. They cut themselves off and, presumably, “started new lives.” You have melded the two lives, for a time, at least, and find this satisfying. Will this continue as long as your body balances health over illness and disability? Just keep it up, say I… and I’ll continue to advise you.

Yesterday We reviewed your past… the ways in which you developed into the person I chose for this special “mission.” Your interpretations of Holy Scripture, along with some writings to which I led you over the years, allowed you (even led you) to hear My unique call to you and to respond… as you are doing now.

I didn’t mention, in yesterday’s Teaching, that, particularly during your high school years, you led “almost” 3 lives and balanced these well. You were a relatively obedient and cooperative son, who was active in church matters, particularly the youth group. You also were a good student, who got good grades and had some high school honors, AND, you were an active, popular Comus (in which good grades were not honored), but you resisted drinking and carousing (because your spirit desired this abstinence). And each had their place in a well-balanced teenage. Congratulations… yet again!

Now consider the balance of this early portion of your old age. You remain a “card-carrying” Presbyterian, with quite a history of service, but now with nothing “official.” (But don’t forget ushering next month.) You have recognized, for years, that you are more a Calvinist than most of your fellow “Presbys,” accepting the Truth that I do choose some, for My reasons, and that you are one chosen. So you remain active in this congregation, though your perceptions of reality are different from most… so you perceive.

Further, you are a mystic, while remaining Presbyterian, hearing Me often, and sharing some of these Teachings with a larger group, some Presby, some “other Christians” and some…? You retain some reputation as a professional, among some who don’t know about your spiritual “wanderings”… or who simply ignore what they try not to understand.

AUG. 29, 2000, 12:01 PM

The experiences of life for you now, o son, are a rather different mixture or blend than in your “working years.” Then… the body was relatively strong and healthy as an expectation, but your social, academic and environmental life had a good deal of variation. (It was mostly good, but there was a lot of variety.) Now… your academic life is over (except for these “visits” to this office and Department) and your social and environmental “lives” are more “restricted” (though mostly to what is desirable). But your body is slowly changing . . .

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