Snow Outside… Warm Room

SAT., MAR. 11, 2000, 6:04 PM

Yes, o son, you look out near the end of this almost-Spring day (by the calendar) and you see snow. Not much of I, but… snow, and the cold air that maintains it. But this small, familiar room (to you and to Me) is warm, as you come for a Teaching at an unusual time. You know, of course, that you’ve had only two Teachings this week, and the first day of a “new week” is tomorrow. Hence, because you love these Teachings, you are here.

I, Holy Spirit, have not urged you (or even suggested) to make this relationship of Ours… and the Teachings that result more “public.” I know your personality, and I am quite aware of your culture and its immediate treatment of those who claim to “know Me” as personally and as consistently as you do. So I don’t push you to share these “latter-day Words from the Lord” with more than a few. I am outside of time, and so I see no need to hurry. Your task is to hear Me and write what you hear Me say. You shall leave these all to son John Patrick, and I shall guide him in any use of them, when you have dropped your body for a more heavenly realm.

Let this unusual snow symbolize the “winter” of this life for you. It is beautiful, but it does complicate living, just a bit. It shall not last long, in its beauty, and the next season, Spring, shall resume. It really doesn’t matter, in the spiritual analogy, what the actual weather is like. Any earth life commences in a “Spring,” with potential, but with still some struggling in the developing process.

You saw a contrast… your youngest grandson, John Isaac, happy and well-taken-care-of by parents and sisters, evidence of being much loved and wanted… AND… the TV news item on babies abandoned by a mother who cannot yet be a mother, or who has more to deal with in life than she sees as possible. Your grandson has a Spring with much promise. Other babies, all over this earth, have a Spring that is much more like harsh winter… and many don’t survive.

Summer is the season, symbolically, of full life and accomplishment. You work toward goals. You have some success, some failure. You find or make a niche in life. You, mostly, marry and become a parent. All summers are not the same, and thus are the lives this season symbolizes.

Fall or Autumn is the season in which you cease striving and accept who you are, and what you are accomplishing… or not. It is a season of beauty, but also of loss. You may hate to see the flowers die and the leaves fall, but now it is time for fire in the fireplace, and some early assessment of how life has been.

You are now experiencing the winter of your life as Bob Russell. You function less easily and well. You have cancer, and it shall certainly (or at least probably) be a factor in the close of this “Winter season.” Yet you don’t expect to die in the near future, so you make some preparations for the Spring season of this life. The comparable symbol is that you are also making preparations for the movement into the spirit realm best for you.

SAT., MAR. 11, 2000, 6:04 PM

Yes, o son, you look out near the end of this almost-Spring day (by the calendar) and you see snow. Not much of I, but… snow, and the cold air that maintains it. But this small, familiar room (to you and to Me) is warm, as you come for a Teaching at an unusual time. You know, of course, that you’ve had only two Teachings this week, and the first day of a “new week” is tomorrow. Hence, because you love these Teachings, you are here.

I, Holy Spirit . . .

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