… So Much More I Want To Tell You…

SAT., JUNE 17, 1995, 5:59 AM

The sermon a week ago, Sunday, was by My servant, Harry, one you have enjoyed “dueling with”, at times, in your Wednesday morning Bible study group. It was a busy week for you, at its beginning, and you didn’t feel you had the time to have Teachings on those days. Now your teaching task is over…at least the class meetings are over…and I’m pleased that you have come these last 3 days for enlightenment from Me. The chickens seem to be safe, so you can hear Me as another warm, pre-Summer day begins, almost cool.

Two portions of the Scriptures Harry chose to use caught your attention. The first lesson, which you should realize and affirm by now, is that Scripture continues to reveal itself, so that any rereading may seem repetitious but also may contain a new revelation. The Proverbs passage first caught your attention. The “speaker” was referred to as Wisdom, but it seemed clear that this was a reference to Me, in some form. Yes, it could be Me, the Holy Spirit, but it also could be Me, as a Child, from before the beginning, Who would become Jesus. But what you noticed was that Wisdom was consistently referred to as “she” and “her”.

Let this be seen as a gentle, minor affirmation, against the more consistent panorama of male dominance and superiority, that I am fully female as well as fully male. I created you humans female and male because both natures are My nature. As these come together in a particular way new life, of the physical and mental sort, is created. The spirit comes from Me, and is, or has been, a part of Me… not sexless, but, again, fully both. There are only a few such passages in Scripture, but they can be “pearls of great price”. Much of the violence in your culture involving men and women is in last-ditch “protest” to the development of the deserved equal status of the two sexes, both from Me.

This “revelation” then leads to the one from John, one you certainly need and have sought. John has Me, as Jesus, saying to My disciples that “there is so much more I want to tell you” but you can’t understand more now. But I will send the Holy Spirit, Who will lead you into all truth. It also records that I will not be “making this up on My own, but will be repeating what I hear, from Jesus, who hears it from Me, the Father and Almighty God. But since I am all three, as well as One… and Each… it becomes simpler. It is not a matter, naturally, of either/or or which One is originating the Knowledge, or, better, the Wisdom. It is both/and. I, the Spirit, hear what I tell you, but it is originated by me, as the One in the Three.

This is an important Scriptural basis for what you and I do together. As Jesus, in a Middle Eastern culture nearly 2,000 years back in earth time I had to be reasonably relevant to that culture. I finally did “defy” the Jewish expectation by letting it be known, directly and indirectly, that I was their promised Messiah. They didn’t believe, and I was crucified, as I knew I would be.

But I knew, as the One True God, that there would continue to be generations of humans. The trumpet would not soon sound, and I would not return as the triumphant Christ, as some of My disciples expected. Rather, I would come as Holy Spirit and would continue to bring truth to each generation, truth that now can be realized and accepted.

SAT., JUNE 17, 1995, 5:59 AM

The sermon a week ago, Sunday, was by My servant, Harry, one you have enjoyed “dueling with", at times, in your Wednesday morning Bible study group. It was a busy week for you, at its beginning, and you didn't feel you had the time to have Teachings on those days. Now your teaching task is over...at least the class meetings are over...and I'm pleased that you have come these last 3 days for enlightenment from Me. The chickens seem to be safe, so you can hear Me . . .

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