… So You Went To A Doctor…!?

FRI., JUNE 22, 2001, 12:52 PM

This morning you gave in to the wishes of your life companion, Lenore, and went to “see” a medical doctor, about your “excess” urination at night. You weren’t in favor of this (and you suspect… even trust… that I feel comparably). It was an early appointment, and, still, you had to wait longer than seemed appropriate. He basically thumbed through your “folder,” asked a few questions, didn’t touch you, and recommended, from what you and Lenore told him, that your “next stop” should be a urologist. That shall happen tomorrow.

Yet again you are not pleased with having to pay for such cursory attention. (Yes, you didn’t even have to be there!) And it does suggest that much of what is paid for “medical care” is like unto this… seemingly unnecessary.

Oh, you do suspect that your prostate is cancerous, to some degree. This, of course, could continue to grow, could metastasize, and be the cause of your bodily death (this time). Or, it could just be there, as a nuisance, and be some part of the cause of your eventual death, when it is no longer necessary or important for you to continue as Bob Russell.

You are not anxious or ready to die, but neither are you happy with the prospect of a continuing “pile up” of losses that make life less functional and pleasant. As I’ve recommended the “best life” for you in the future involves giving minimal attention to these departures from “perfect health” and focusing on what you still have and what you still can do. It just isn’t important for you to live on, through medical/surgical interventions, being less and less the spirit you have been, here, “this time.”

You have a beautiful place here, with plenty for you to “do” to keep it such. You have few to no continuing responsibilities, and you have the “means” to live simply and comfortably. ( 1:18 / 1:20 ) You are doing well with your healing feet. They still are uncomfortable, but no longer painful, and you can do most of what you desire to do, with just a bit of “discomfort.” This is a naturally beautiful place, but it does need care, and you still can enjoy and manage this. So don’t shirk these continuing “responsibilities.”

I’ll continue to remind you that your “field” was HEALTH, not illness, disease, disability, trauma… Further, I helped you develop what you called a “holistic” perspective, with the physical dimension being only one aspect of health. Further, I continue to encourage you to see that the physical should become less a focal dimension, with the spiritual ascending… as one much more important for one of your age AND as the one that continues when your body finally dies.

Thus, what you are doing now… listening to Me and writing a Teaching from Me… is your supreme (1:31 / 1:35) “healthy behavior.” Continue to work around here, to maintain your bodily health (despite losses), and do make it a point to walk down for the paper each morning, a good way to start most days (though not nearly as good as having a Teaching!)

Physicians and other medical personnel CAN BE servants of Mine, and I do approve of some procedures, techniques, and equipment (and skills) that do maintain and allow the improvement of life for some patients. Also, I’ll observe, some of these are not necessary or appropriate, and are just part of the “institution of medicine,” with a good deal of waste.

I have the least Aloha for complex, expensive procedures done on you elderly. When lives are saved and prolonged at 10 years, 25, 45, even some at 65 I can be pleased. But you know My concerns about the increase in human numbers and in human activities that make the environment a threat to some who should live longer. I like the observation, “There is no such thing as a free lunch.” You cannot continue the culture you are in without creating more harmful aspects of the environment. Some lives are prolonged, while others are shortened.

FRI., JUNE 22, 2001, 12:52 PM

This morning you gave in to the wishes of your life companion, Lenore, and went to “see” a medical doctor, about your “excess” urination at night. You weren’t in favor of this (and you suspect… even trust… that I feel comparably). It was an early appointment, and, still, you had to wait longer than seemed appropriate. He basically thumbed through your “folder,” asked a few questions, didn’t touch you, and recommended, from what you and Lenore told him, that your “next stop” should be a urologist. That shall happen . . .

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