Social Causes

THURS., JUNE 9, 1994, 6:45 AM

You are not much for social causes, at least as an activist, organizer, or strong supporter. Mark is a young man with motivations and inclinations toward such activism, and, having been with him yesterday you wonder how I feel about such manifestations of your faith in Me. Hear, o son, for on this pleasant Hawaiian morning I shall let you know.

If you’re expecting a single consistent position on this aspect of life and ministry you shall be disappointed… but I know you didn’t! Again, My love for diversity is a key value. As Jesus I was concerned with how people were with each other. I preached, and I told parables that affirmed or suggested how people should act, but I didn’t join with others to become a political force for change. This behavior disappointed some of My followers, for they expected their Messiah to be one who fought for justice and social causes.

In My Sermon on the Mount I told of ways of living that, through the intervening years, have excited some and left others confused about the practicality of such actions. I constantly implied that your spirit would lead you to the best action, if you were in a good and proper relationship with Me. And so here comes diversity again.

Each of you needs time for contemplation… and for action. Some function well in groups; others are more comfortable and effective “doing it alone.” The balances are diverse and different, even in dedicated servants of Mine. Some I truly do call to social action, and many of these serve Me well in organizing, fund-raising, recruiting, and even sacrificial action.

A few, however, I must admit, become overzealous and oversure of “what I want.” Some who rant outside of abortion clinics, as an example, and who become violent in their cause are an embarrassment to Me. I am not in favor of abortion, but I also am not in favor of unwanted children in an over-populated earth. Abortion thus is not a good, but may well be the lesser of two evils. The use of My gift of procreation is sometimes misuse or abuse.

I have told you often that I do not favor one political system over others or one economic system over alternatives. I can see consequences so much more clearly than even the most advanced of you humans. My prime interest is in spiritual growth, and I see the myriad ways this occurs. Some humans truly need and choose the experience of oppression, and some of these profit in spirit, even as the outward view of their life experiences is unpleasant, even grim. I know that many, even some of My good servants, would object to such an affirmation, for they hold that I want only peace and prosperity for everyone. If that were so, and you look at the actual earth scene, I have to come off as an ineffective, weak God. And that just ain’t so!

One of Mark’s “causes” is that of Hawaiian sovereignty. Years ago land was taken from the native Hawaiians, mostly in ways perceived as legal by your dominant culture. Now some of the present members of this group want lands to be returned. (Similar movements rise and fall among native American tribes and now in south Africa.) Legality and morality often seem to compete. Active persons and groups tend to dominate those who are more passive. When some of the passive become active there can be turmoil, in which even compromises seem unsatisfactory.

THURS., JUNE 9, 1994, 6:45 AM

You are not much for social causes, at least as an activist, organizer, or strong supporter. Mark is a young man with motivations and inclinations toward such activism, and, having been with him yesterday you wonder how I feel about such manifestations of your faith in Me. Hear, o son, for on this pleasant Hawaiian morning I shall let you know.

If you’re expecting a single consistent position on this aspect of life and ministry you shall be disappointed… but I know you didn’t! Again, My love . . .

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