Solving Problems?

WED., OCT. 25, 1989, 12:03 AM

The journey is homeward now, with two convention experiences behind you. You were subjected to the definition and description of many problems during these days. It is the nature of health professionals in your culture to think, speak, and write in terms of problems. In the light of some of what you heard today, hear Me as I offer some thoughts on this theme (and explain the question mark).

First and fundamentally, I, the Holy Spirit, do not see earth life in terms of problems… and I encourage you to see life in similar ways. I recognize that quite often the solution to a problem may be a new problem, and worse than the first. Medical care is designed to save and prolong lives. Yet I have told you repeatedly that there soon will be too much human life for the continued health of My creation, the earth. Yet if you see this as a problem to solve, the solution tends to be limiting conceptions or births and allowing some sick and older persons to die “prematurely.” And here you are, back to the problems again.

War is a solution to the problem of needing power or territory. War, then, is a problem in that persons are killed and injured, property and crops are destroyed, and fear is encouraged. Peace can be a problem when the status quo does not seem satisfactory or desirable. Justice can be a problem as it does not allow mercy. Being merciful can mitigate the conditions of justice. And so it goes…

Fundamentally, I see the earth scene as relationships rather than as problems to solve. (The fact that this agrees with your long-held position just shows that I have influenced you way before you started to receive these Teachings.) The myth of creation tells of My having a clear relationship with the first humans with immortal souls. Some of that relationship was loving and helpful, but some was harsh and harmful. The myth of the flood was another record of relationship and of ruptured relationships. The Noah’s overdrinking brough about a changed relationship with son Ham. Strange, wasn’t it?!

In a much more modern context, do I favor the relationships that are part of scientific medicine? Do I want continued organized effort as advocated by A.P.H.A.? The environmental problems cannot be solved without considerable sacrifice on the part of your culture, and, perhaps, economic chaos. Which do I favor? Each is part of a solution, and also part of problems. Are the relationships among minority groups in your culture and with the dominant group a problem or just a condition to live with, observing change as it comes?

No, the Lord God does not solve problems, and I encourage you to do this as little as possible. I want you to see life as a spiritual dance, wherein I am your major partner. It matters not whether you have more or less money, whether you live long or die soon. I want you in relationship with Me, which should empower you to live a happy, productive life. I shall cause things to happen in your life, but I shall not determine directly what you do and say. Finally, you have no life problems to solve… just a life to live.

Money, for you, is not a problem now. It represents an opportunity to contribute to the welfare of others. Be cautious about amassing too much… and about spending it carelessly or profligately. This will help keep our relationship as I would have it be. There shall be uses for money you accumulate. I shall guide you. Money spent on this trip was not excessive.

Problems are to solve, so the term “problem solving” is legitimate as meaningful words. The question mark simple tells you that this is not the way I want you to see life. It should be countered by “recognizing, enhancing, and enjoying relationships.” It is growing and developing in spirit, which is the very best contributor to good physical and emotional health. Your teaching is not a problem to solve, but relationships to foster and work with.

WED., OCT. 25, 1989, 12:03 AM

The journey is homeward now, with two convention experiences behind you. You were subjected to the definition and description of many problems during these days. It is the nature of health professionals in your culture to think, speak, and write in terms of problems. In the light of some of what you heard today, hear Me as I offer some thoughts on this theme (and explain the question mark).

First and fundamentally, I, the Holy Spirit, do not see earth life in terms of problems… and I encourage you to . . .

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