Some Affirmations

WED., SEPT. 4, 1996, 8:30 AM

The group for breakfast and Bible study gathered again this morning, with a new seeker and one veteran not present. You made a couple of affirmations, and you certainly should expect Me, the Holy Spirit, to comment. The Acts that you now are studying are full of references to Me, in that time and in those places, and I want you to be assured that I am just as active now, despite fewer references to and affirmations about Me.

One affirmation was a “first” with this group – that “in a Teaching from the Holy Spirit He referred to Scripture as a placebo, for some Christians”. Each time you do this should make it easier and more natural to make such an affirmation again. From this, or other groups in this church, you aren’t likely to be challenged or refuted. Instead you expect no comment at all… as if they didn’t really hear you… or want to. Your experience with Me now stretches over 17 years, and you certainly should be “spiritually mature” at over 70 years of age. I’m still not pushing you “out of the closet”, but I did hear and like this slight affirmation. I’ll look forward to the next one.

Another potentially controversial statement was that you feel little “spiritual heritage” from the Jews. You said that you do relate to David and Solomon… and perhaps Moses… but there is little feeling of connection with the Jews, particularly as they are pictured here in Acts. I now have you recall, “How odd of God, to choose the Jews”, and I agree. It was My choice, and it wasn’t a positive picture of relationship. It doesn’t bother Me that you feel no real kinship with these Jews of old or with those of the present. I see no point in telling you how you ought to feel. I can still be with you and teach you without your being the ideal lover of all My servants.

Now you could have affirmed that I, as Jesus, and I, as Holy Spirit, have been in the earth from the beginning, with the Creator God… even before He (I) was Father God. Therefore, I say, get what you can from the Old Testament Scriptures. Don’t reject the good that is there, but be honest about your feelings about this as a spiritual people… ones you feel little relationship with.

Remember My mantra to you: I love diversity. I have created diversity. In the earth today there is more diversity than in these Biblical times. I am part of it all… hence another of your affirmations: I, as God, cannot be limited. I can never be understood fully by any of you humans. Your Scriptures are for your Christians… and you have many Teachings, now, from Me directly. As Jesus I did say, “I am the Way… no one comes to the Father but by Me”. Yet there was much more that I said, even in Scripture… and more that was not recorded. I came to the Jews, but I was destined for the Gentiles. Now I am worshipped by some of all races. Yet there is much diversity, even in this Christian scene.

I come in many ways and forms, but most of these are not for you. (9:04 / 10:52) Don’t feel that you have to understand and relate to all of the diverse groups, even religions, let alone individuals, in all of their diversity.

You know you are not a trained or accomplished counselor, and you indicated that to Diane as she sought your counsel. You didn’t try to be what you are not, and just being who you are made it possible for you to be helpful to her. You can’t help her understand and relate to these brain-damaged young folk – clients, because you understand them less than she does. But you did help her understand herself a bit better… or, better, you helped her help herself.

WED., SEPT. 4, 1996, 8:30 AM

The group for breakfast and Bible study gathered again this morning, with a new seeker and one veteran not present. You made a couple of affirmations, and you certainly should expect Me, the Holy Spirit, to comment. The Acts that you now are studying are full of references to Me, in that time and in those places, and I want you to be assured that I am just as active now, despite fewer references to and affirmations about Me.

One affirmation was a “first” with this group – that “in . . .

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