Some Clarifications On “My Loves”

WED., NOV. 29, 1995, 10:00 AM

In the Teaching I offered you on Monday, after your President’s call for active involvement in Bosnia, I said that neither the war, which presumably would continue if your troops are not deployed, nor peace, with fewer deaths and more consumer goods, would abet My loves. You know what these are, but it seems as though some clarifications would be helpful. So, listen and write what you hear.

You middle-class American Christians and your humanistic fellow countrymen would generally agree that My greatest love is for humans. I tell you otherwise. My greatest love is for the whole of creation, with humans as a special part of that creation. “Special”, however, doesn’t mean that you always can have your way and all of your wants. It means that you have an especial responsibility to maintain My creation, even if this means some sacrifice. You are the “first”, but you therefore must be willing to sacrifice and be “last”, in order to retain your “firstness”. (This is Holy Spirit thinking.)

My other, and related, love is for balancing that is necessary in maintaining and sustaining My creation. I can affect this balancing process, and I do, but mostly I leave this to you humans. I intervene only when you haven’t done the job, or when I see a particular need that you don’t.

Despite your culture’s high value I say that more people AND more affluence (including modern war-making stuff) are incompatible with the balance I love. Much of the rest of creation is being harmed. My love is being trod upon.

You read in Isaiah that I cause the destruction of people because of their sins against Me. You may tend to think of these sins as sexual or as involving cruelty to and selfishness toward others. But mainly My anger was expressed against the worship of ideas and “other gods”. In modern terms your culture is one of the worst sinners, by this criterion. You give Me lip service, but your god is affluence, along with the freedom to do just as you please, whatever the consequences to My beloved creation.

Oh, I can say that your emergence as the only real superpower is preferable to the former Soviet Union, where there wasn’t even lip service toward Me. They were more wasteful than you are, and so I let them tumble and now suffer for their sins. Now you have the opportunity to be a better leader, but, unfortunately, I still see your culture’s fundamental goals as almost as destructive of My loves as those of the Soviets.

You read yesterday, and then shared with your class last evening, of the future developments from your more technological society. Then you read of the impending losses, final losses, of an increasing portion of My creation. Break throughs would mean “fewer deaths”, though death must eventually come to each human who is conceived and born. More lives and longer lives, with affluence, lead to more waste and more destruction, as I see destruction.

More electricity can be good, in the short run. The buildup of nuclear waste and carbon dioxide in the earth environment will be bad, in the longer run. What is worse, however, in My Holy view, is the lack of concern for the future effects of what is now necessary for “the better life”. You have not been very successful in communicating the need for such concerns to students, family, friends, and colleagues. I didn’t choose you for your natural capacities and motivations to be a “Voice crying in the wilderness” for these loves of Mine. Rather, I called you to be faithful to this relationship of Ours and to leave this “legacy” of Teachings for some who must live in the future, with the scars of present actions.

WED., NOV. 29, 1995, 10:00 AM

In the Teaching I offered you on Monday, after your President’s call for active involvement in Bosnia, I said that neither the war, which presumably would continue if your troops are not deployed, nor peace, with fewer deaths and more consumer goods, would abet My loves. You know what these are, but it seems as though some clarifications would be helpful. So, listen and write what you hear.

You middle-class American Christians and your humanistic fellow countrymen would generally agree that My greatest love is for humans. I tell . . .

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