Some Comments On Jane

FRI., FEB. 3, 1995, 6:48 AM

The phone rang yesterday midday, and you were back in relationship with Jane. You had hoped that she was making good progress toward reintegration into the world of people, but such was not what you heard. Yet despite the picture of her as a virtual recluse with her dogs, the call yesterday announced a ray of hope. I have helped an interested, concerned pastor/servant of Mine and her to find each other. Hers definitely is, fundamentally, a spiritual illness, and it will require prayer and spiritual power to return her to functioning. I don’t prophesy and tell you that this will be a magic cure. I do say the interactions may be good ones, and it may be beneficial for all involved.

Jane has had experiences in her early life that have left scars. These can be debilitating throughout her life, or they can become means toward spiritual growth. I’ll put it flatly – there is no human experience that cannot be a help to the growth and development of your spirit… and of Jane’s spirit. Even experiences that are painful and lead to death can be such, for life continues in spiritual realms, with a chance to process what has happened in the human time.

Does this suggest that one ought to suffer various traumas, as these are the only way to a stronger spirit? No… this is too extreme and one-way. Yet as I’ve told you repeatedly, this earth scene is a special one, and, in this way, a “tough one.” All spirits don’t have this experience, even once. Many who do have it don’t progress much… some because life is too hard and some because it’s too easy.

Jane is not making progress through these life circumstances the way she could. Yet hear again that in My “economy” time is of little consequence. How she has reacted before is of less importance than the fact that now she is reaching out, even tentatively, and a true helper is available. Yet I still can’t say that this will be that “magic cure” all the “participants” would hope for. If the coming together, with others following, brings forth a positive exchange of spirit, then this growth that I encourage may begin. I am with Jane, and I want her to function fully again, but it is not My usual way to change actual situations miraculously. I just have so much experience that tells Me to lead but then to let spirits “do it themselves.”

Your parental experiences are a fair analog to these continuous ones of which I’m a part. There were times, with each of your sons, in which you could have been more directive, more demanding, more insistent that they not do what they were doing or about to do. You had faith that love and gentle guidance would be your best contribution. You can’t be as sure as I am that how you were was best, but it does appear that your sons are good men, each making spiritual progress in his own way, which is not terribly close to yours. Matthew, of course, is slow in coming to spiritual increase, and, ironically, one of his circumstances… being given more than ample money for living… is usually seen as a great positive. For him, it has been almost as difficult to deal with as Jane’s challenges.

FRI., FEB. 3, 1995, 6:48 AM

The phone rang yesterday midday, and you were back in relationship with Jane. You had hoped that she was making good progress toward reintegration into the world of people, but such was not what you heard. Yet despite the picture of her as a virtual recluse with her dogs, the call yesterday announced a ray of hope. I have helped an interested, concerned pastor/servant of Mine and her to find each other. Hers definitely is, fundamentally, a spiritual illness, and it will require prayer and spiritual power to return her . . .

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