Some Comments On “The Sermon…”

FRI., OCT. 13, 1995, 1:09 PM

The questions you are posing to your Sunday Forum are quite appropriate. I like your goal of having participants tell what these stories or simulated stories mean to them, individually. Then, if there isn’t much variation you should be able to suggest some alternate ways of perceiving what I, as Jesus, meant. Then, importantly, comes the question: what difference does My sacrificial death make in these sermon admonitions? Do they all thus apply, as the Jewish laws do (at least I was remembered to have said this), or did I change this all to… accept Me as Lord and you are saved from all of the consequences of sin? I tell you this is so, but your religion is not quite so certain.

The question that could then come is: how fervent must you be about this acceptance of My grace? Must you proclaim it daily and verbally? Do you have to tie life actions to it? Answers to these could provoke some differences among Christians, but heed the repeated assurance: I know your heart, and I know how you think and feel. I know what you need. I just want you to come and hear Me. When you do you give evidence of having accepted My grace. You have not earned it, but you do deserve it.

As you consider a portion of what you have prepared for Sunday’s discussion you know that you are not overly concerned about clothes. You are quite content to be clothed entirely from the Thrift Shop (and those like it). You do not waste money on stylish or “fine” clothing, and you probably never will. You enjoy food, but, again, it is difficult for you to pay restaurant prices and pay for “fine food”. The cantaloupe this morning from the dumpster was just as good as one with a high price.

Yet you know that I know that you still haven’t truly internalized the Scripture and My personal message to you that I shall provide for your needs for the rest of your time in the earth, as I have for these past over-69 years. So I’ll say it again: I am in charge of this earth scene. I have all the power that’s necessary to accomplish what I think is best. I shall see to it that you have all you need. If, in any instance, you don’t agree, consider what you need to learn from an apparent “shortage”. All that you have is from Me. It is sufficient… and there is the “extra” that I want you to give to important causes, of your choosing. As you diminish publications you really don’t read, you will have more excess, for good purposes.

Forgiveness is rather easy for you… but that’s partly because you do have your hand in Mine. Continue to be rather free with your forgiveness, even to forgiving Me when I don’t seem to be blessing you as you’d like. Your foot still has not healed, and both are numb. You know I can restore feeling and function. Forgive Me for such inaction, and I shall continue to forgive you for shortcomings. Forgive your son Matthew for these actions and inactions that seem so irresponsible, even cruel. Try to reach him, and see if you can help in any way. Yet continue to accept him as a seemingly imperfect son. And know that I have many such… I still have him as a potential servant. When the time is right he shall come to Me. Your worrying will not make this come about sooner.

What do I say about the ending, “Be ye perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect”? You notice I didn’t say, “Try to be perfect, as your Father in heaven tries to be perfect.” I am perfect, and when you accept Me as a life partner, so are you. It’s as simple as that. Let what you do and say stem from that relationship. That’s all that’s necessary.

FRI., OCT. 13, 1995, 1:09 PM

The questions you are posing to your Sunday Forum are quite appropriate. I like your goal of having participants tell what these stories or simulated stories mean to them, individually. Then, if there isn’t much variation you should be able to suggest some alternate ways of perceiving what I, as Jesus, meant. Then, importantly, comes the question: what difference does My sacrificial death make in these sermon admonitions? Do they all thus apply, as the Jewish laws do (at least I was remembered to have said this), or did . . .

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