Some Current Thoughts On Medical Care

FRI., SEPT. 17, 1993, 9:25

One of the issues of importance (among many, or so it seems) in your culture at present is that of medical care. It is expensive, some portion of the population have no insurance, everyone wants what they deserve, and no one wants to pay more. It is an interesting dilemma for a society that sees itself as free enterprise, but also humanistic and desirous of treating and conquering every threat to human health and life. You have heard many of My comments on this in Teachings past, but as this issue comes forward currently you should surely hear Me again.

Many Americans, and particularly many Christians, would expect that I would be solidly for medical care for everyone, no matter what the cost or how it is organized. Well, not really true. I appreciate the skill and dedication of some practitioners, and I’m not in favor of unnecessary suffering, but I see so many pro and con sides of this medical “thing” that I do not consider it a priority for My concerns. Some wonderful earth lives are saved, and people are returned to full functioning, but I still see too much unnecessary medicating and invading, on the premise that the body is just a machine to be fixed, one not really capable of healing from within.

In contrast, though I want you to continue to be rather holistic, I want you moving toward My view, which is that when your spirit is in tune with Mine and when you are directing your attention and energies to serving others (along with eating well and exercising as you live day by day) your body responds with healing and with the maintenance of health and good functioning. Then of course My view also includes the truth that there is a time to be born and a time to die. In your culture there are more people who stay on in the earth beyond their proper time to die than come over early because of accidents, killings, and other causes of “premature” death.

I would like to see medical practice become more holistic, more centered on patient needs, and, of course and finally, more spiritual. I would prefer more practitioners who are more spiritual than scientific. Yet I am quite aware that such preferences are not popular in your culture, and thus this whole issue, as it is now being presented and argued, is of minimal concern to Me. I have little concern for big finances, and this issue seems so fraught with economic impossibilities that stand as another reason for My unconcern. From My perspective there is much waste in the system, beginning with what physicians demand for their services, whether these are needed or not.

I approve of the slight trend toward people helping one another to stay healthy… and to heal. I like the idea of wounded healers… those with health problems themselves helping others to heal in spirit. Whether the body responds or not is of less concern to Me. I would much rather greet persons whose spirits are healed and healthy than those who die with no real understanding of life, in the earth or elsewhere.

I look forward to the weekend next when Chris will be with you. (There is still the possibility that she will not make it, but I am pushing for it.) In addition to all else you have to do, including the Ruminations, remember, I want you to go through past volumes of Teachings and find ones that could be helpful to her. You are not a healer in this instance. You are a spiritual helper, but also one to be helped through the interaction with her. If “health care”, as it is called, were more concerned with experiences such as this upcoming one I would be more in favor of it.

FRI., SEPT. 17, 1993, 9:25

One of the issues of importance (among many, or so it seems) in your culture at present is that of medical care. It is expensive, some portion of the population have no insurance, everyone wants what they deserve, and no one wants to pay more. It is an interesting dilemma for a society that sees itself as free enterprise, but also humanistic and desirous of treating and conquering every threat to human health and life. You have heard many of My comments on this in Teachings past, but as this issue comes . . .

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