Some “Final Thoughts” From Isaiah

WED., MAR. 6, 1996, 12:12 PM

Your morning group’s journey through Isaiah is finally over. You’re not sure how important it has been for your own spiritual health, but the fact that the six of you have “stayed the course”, have read it through and discussed aspects of it is a small spiritual triumph, at least. My comments today relate both to the Scripture and to your group interaction.

It is quite acceptable that you have no concern about whether this was written by one Isaiah or perhaps two or three. At this point in time, some 2,500 years later, it should be unimportant as to who composed this long dialogue with Me, as Almighty God. Does it say anything vital for you, personally, or for you Christians, today?

It does certainly muddle the question of My Will vs. yours. Have I really “hardened the hearts” of those (or at least some of those) who turn away from Me in sin… or never turn to Me at all? Your comment was appropriate: never deny that I can accomplish such “hardenings”, and that I may do such. I have not necessarily created each of you to be autonomous, free-willed humans. You are quite willing to assert that I influence and direct you in many ways (actually more than of which you are aware). You accept this as a blessing, a “chosenness”, not because of your merit, but just because of My choice.

You American Christians, along with some of your European brethren, have tendencies to make and keep Me quite rational and consistent. There are certain things I would never do, matched by actions that I’m somehow obligated to take. I must treat everyone the same and show no favorites. I must reward good and faithful behavior and punish sin, which can be defined in terms of actions, inactions, and “conditions of the heart”. And in My love for diversity I both allow and encourage such thinking in some (which is not going to endear Me to Siddy).

I tell you that I still have control of this whole earth scene, and, though I’m aware of the advantages of consistency, I can foresee consequences much more accurately than any of you, and what may seem like an unlikely action on My part may be important to relationships that I can see. I also enjoy “being in charge”, and acting, sometimes, in unpredictable ways. I can be wonderfully spontaneous, and I rarely “make mistakes” that can’t be modified.

I also like your interpretation of “I am the Potter, you are the clay.” Yes, the “clay” can, for myriad reasons, seem to “get away from Me” and “act independently”… but I can restore you to My model, if I wish… or I can let you, for this earth experience, remain a loss. Remember the first law of entropy: energy, in this system, is not lost or gained, but is merely transformed. Each of you is a form of energy. None of you can be “lost”, but only transformed in certain ways by this earth life experience. “Messing up” in this life is not final… and it may even be a precursor to spiritual growth, here or in another realm.

Now comes the question you didn’t get to ask, and I’m sorry you didn’t. Is this long Isaiah “message” for the Jewish people of that time only or, mystically, is it a viable one for you late 20th century Christians? It is both, of course, but in the latter reality it must be interpreted. I can and I do destroy, including some who seem “innocent”. I can and do forgive and extend My grace, even to some who seem unworthy.

WED., MAR. 6, 1996, 12:12 PM

Your morning group’s journey through Isaiah is finally over. You’re not sure how important it has been for your own spiritual health, but the fact that the six of you have “stayed the course”, have read it through and discussed aspects of it is a small spiritual triumph, at least. My comments today relate both to the Scripture and to your group interaction.

It is quite acceptable that you have no concern about whether this was written by one Isaiah or perhaps two or three. At this point in . . .

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