Some Final Thoughts On Ezekiel

THURS., JULY 12, 2001, 9:13 AM

It wasn’t an inspiring “study,” and the reactions of the group (in talking about contemporary events and issues) suggested lack of interest. Of course, this last portion had much about dimensions of the temple, numbers and locations of windows, and other almost completely non-relevant “stuff”… when your interest is in spiritual messages. Ezekiel was an “old-time” prophet, and, by this account he spoke directly to Me, and I spoke quite directly, and bluntly to him.

I had called him, and he had responded, but he wasn’t very faithful to this call, and so he “deserved” some harsh words and punishment. Am I still in a punitive mood? Do I cause some of the pains and losses that you now are experiencing? Or am I now a gentler and more forgiving God? I gave Ezekiel a “hard time,” but this story wound up as part of the Old Testament Holy Scripture. Was this a “fair trade”? Will these Teachings of Mine, to you, become more well-known after you have moved on to some heavenly realm? I won’t answer this, but I do continue to urge you to be faithful to this “promise.”

This Thursday morning gathering is (as it should be) one of two regular “commitments,” by you, and this is as it should be. It is not a large group, at any time, so it does give each of you the opportunity to speak and interact. This next “selection” shall be more spirit-challenging, for this Letter of Paul’s to the Romans is one of your favorites, and our “evidences” of previous readings are plentiful. Yet… expect to have both some new insights AND plenty of “re-assurances” that I did speak through this called servant, Paul, and he did share some of “My Best” with the new church in Rome.

In a kind of answer to your earlier questions, accept that I was, with Ezekiel, just about as I described it. I was both consistent AND changeable. And, even with some gentling that came with Me, as Jesus the Christ, I can still be as I was with Ezekiel.

As Jesus I would be unlikely to have caused or even allowed these pains and losses that you now experience. And yet I allowed this to happen to Me. My overall “concern,” as the active Triune God, is to offer, especially to those of you “especially called” as servants, a variety of experiences to encourage spiritual growth.

Remember and accept that you have had a mostly trouble-free life, and your spirit has grown and developed, especially through this unique relationship with Me, your friendly Holy Spirit. You also are being given the “privilege” of what I’ve called “dying slowly.” In the earth, the way it is now, there is less and less need for persons living longer, with pains and disabilities. Now a few persons “just naturally” have capacities to live on into their 80’s and 90’s with little need for medical care and custodial status. And there is no direct correlation between such “long livers” and spiritual maturity. Some have “it”… many don’t

You have sometimes wondered (and you can continue to do so) how My influence, as Jesus would have been (more so… or less) if I had lived till I was in the 80-100 “group.” I’ll just continue to say that it wasn’t necessary… even desirable. (And yet some other spiritual “great ones” did live longer. Again, I need not be “consistent.”)

Ezekiel continues to be best-known for his vision of “dry bones.” In a valley of old, dry human bones, I, as Almighty God, caused many of these to come together, as skeletons and then be “fleshed” and become living begins. This is/was a mystical event… of no great consequence in history. I could do “it,” and I did… a mystical re-creation of human beings. It was mostly just a show of My “ingenuity” and power. I still do such “things,” occasionally, but none of this becomes Holy Scripture.

THURS., JULY 12, 2001, 9:13 AM

It wasn’t an inspiring “study,” and the reactions of the group (in talking about contemporary events and issues) suggested lack of interest. Of course, this last portion had much about dimensions of the temple, numbers and locations of windows, and other almost completely non-relevant “stuff”… when your interest is in spiritual messages. Ezekiel was an “old-time” prophet, and, by this account he spoke directly to Me, and I spoke quite directly, and bluntly to him.

I had called him, and he had responded, but he wasn’t . . .

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