Some Frustrations…

THURS., DEC. 3, 1998, 6:37 PM

Along with being an easy day at home, here on the Farm, you have experienced some frustrations. Such are not common with you, for you are in nice transition from one who could be fairly easily frustrated to one who can readily disengage from frustrating circumstances.

One frustration came from the numbers on your bank statement and in your check register, the task being to make these balance… or come out “the same”. You couldn’t manage this generally easy task, and it brought on the frustrations of not being able to make the numbers balance and the perception that there will not be enough means for a continuing pleasant, though simple, retirement.

Now it may be that you’ll have to simplify your check record keeping to avoid further struggles OR that will be an occasional, repetitive frustration, partly based in your inability to completely accept that I am your Friend and Protector, willing to provide for your needs. This is an area in which your faith in Me is not as steady as it should be.

You realize now that you and Lenore gave away $10,000 to one of your sons, and being this generous means that your comfort level can diminish, if you let it. It’s not easy for you, but hear My suggestion that the money you still have is quite adequate for you and the good life you envision. Resist temptations toward greed.

As this frustration abated as you devoted yourself to “an opposite task”… of cutting some firewood… your faithful little chainsaw wouldn’t start… and then wouldn’t run right. Actually you got the limbs cut that you planned for, but it was an instance of a technological device not functioning, as you expected. You could have given up on the saw early, accepted that this was not “its evening” and cut the limbs with the ax. Such a failing situation may often be a push to do the job in a simpler, muscle-powered way. Remember this.

Now you just have read your brother-in-law, Richard’s, 15 page letter-analysis of this religion that you share, and that I guide you in understanding. The essential frustration is that his perceptions and interpretations are not all as you have come to understand, from Me. Therefore they can be misrepresentations and “untruths”… OR… they can be vivid examples of My love for diversity. Remember… if what I tell you is the truth, the whole truth, and all else is false, then the big majority of human kind… and even of Christians… are in the wrong. Not so, say I, Who like to feel that I am a perfect Creator… and Sustainer.

Some comments on his “epistle”: My coming into the earth as the baby Jesus was a mystical happening, and therefore it is not subject to rational explanation. It was important that I be born and that Mary be My Mother. How this all happened is mystical. I, as Holy Spirit, was involved, as was Mary, and I came out as an infant, but none of the “laws” of human conception, pregnancy, and birth need apply. The mystical needs no explanation.

In regard to Judas, I liked him, but he was selected as the one to betray Me, as Jesus. He had to be one who was disturbed by My visions of My future, enough to try to “bring Me to My senses”. He handled the money for us, and was a worthy disciple. So… could he have gone against “his destined role”? Theoretically, yes. Actually, no. As I told you before, he was forgiven, in the spirit world (including his suicide).

THURS., DEC. 3, 1998, 6:37 PM

Along with being an easy day at home, here on the Farm, you have experienced some frustrations. Such are not common with you, for you are in nice transition from one who could be fairly easily frustrated to one who can readily disengage from frustrating circumstances.

One frustration came from the numbers on your bank statement and in your check register, the task being to make these balance… or come out “the same”. You couldn’t manage this generally easy task, and it brought on the frustrations of not being able . . .

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