Some Heretical Ideas

THURS., OCT. 28, 1982, 6:20 AM

You know that the church of which you are a part decided, recently, to concern itself no longer with heresy. This refers to doctrines and beliefs which are untrue and dangerous to the persistence of the Christian faith. Now, in one sense that is the position that should be taken, for no longer is there any fundamental question about the reality of Me, of Jesus, and of the faith that is in Me/Us. Yet the letter you read this week is evidence that heretical ideas persist and shall arise in every generation. Am I responsible? Yes and No.

Faith is what your spirit knows. Knowledge needs to be tested from time to time. You are urging your students to struggle with the knowledge that the law of entropy counters… that there always will be a plentiful source of energy to accomplish whatever humans can dream of achieving. (And you, yourself, are not as certain as you should be about what the truth really is.) Past experience presses for the knowledge that science, technology, and human ingenuity will prevail and that more energy sources will be evident in time to prevent the lifestyle changes that a low entropy world would require. The counter, more theoretical, knowledge is that the direction must be toward a low entropy world, where humans are, again, a part of the ancient rhythms of life.

Here, you see, I seem to be favoring the heretical knowledge. But this other heresy… that I do not exist and never did… is, obviously, not a set of ideas, a knowledge that I back. So, No. I am not responsible. I want My Best Way to prevail. I do not work counter to My own purposes.

However… I am an integral part of the rhythms that are the nature of earth life, in its myriad forms. So, yes, I am part of even those rhythms that oppose and deny Me. Otherwise there would be matters of which I am not a part and people over whom I can have no influence. I realize that the Scriptures give this picture a bit too vividly. I do not apologize for this, but merely offer you a view that is also in the Holy Writ, but sometimes submerged… the earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein. I am a part of ALL that exists, even that which denies Me. It is better to be part of and potentially influential of what could be called evil than to withdraw and be only a competing force.

Yes, you see emerging another heretical idea, but it is hard to decide which is the more heretical side. The more “orthodox” position is that there truly is good and evil and that I am associated only with the good, making Me an adversary of the evil, which involves a good deal of human activity. I am on the outside, trying to influence, but I seem to be of minor importance. I lose a lot. Christians’ efforts to further My cause are often puny and ineffective. Ideas and movements arise which deny Me, and I have little power to counter them. I am wholly good, but clearly not powerful. This is a heresy in relation to the Scripture presented… and to the notion that I have ultimate power and influence.
The less “orthodox” position, which I seem to be emphasizing for you, is that I have all the power, but I choose not to use it in order that the earth be a realm in which spirits can grow by being tested and challenged. This is still My realm, and I am a part of every mite of it. I am part of the person who writes, with conviction that I, as Jesus, was a sham. I was part of Judas who betrayed Me, and I am part of each Judas in every age who tries to work against Me. For, you see, Judas action actually helped Me succeed. I was part of Peter when he denied Me. I am part of young Mark when he struggles over acknowledging or denying Me. The heresy, of course, is that I am a part of evident evil… and a good God wouldn’t do that.

Earth life is a test. You are in it. Know. And yet struggle with what you know. And in the midst of not knowing… lo, I am with you.

7:20 AM