Some More On Predestination

WED., FEB. 10, 1999, 8:35 AM
F.P.C., A.S.C.

Once again you have been “stirred” by this understanding of life that was once almost a hallmark of the Church to which I led you. And you notice I phrased it in terms of “led” rather than “you chose”. The critical point is that you are most likely to “choose” that to which I lead you.

And, yes, I have led you to “combine” this predestination doctrine with what I prefer to call “eternal life”. Hence, I say that you have had a number of life experiences – in the earth and in spirit realms – and you shall understand and perceive all of this when you are through with this earth life. You have been called “before”, but you were definitely “ready” to be called – predestined – in this life, as Bob Russell.

Your basic vocational path is that of teacher, and you have done that rather well this time. Except for a few “special occasions” that is over now, except as you carry on this unique educational opportunity – Our Ruminations. Your main focus now should be on learning, from Me, from yourself, and from some special people and writers – learning about and enhancing the power of spirit – in yourself, from interactions, and from Me.

Hear, also, one clarification: predestination is not “all or none”. As you told, in your good parable, some are predestined early in life, because as souls they are ready for a complete guided life. Others are called later, to utilize talents and personality that have been developed. And, yes, it’s another of My Both/And’s… some are partially predestined, with some amount of free will as a balance.

In your case, most of the important aspects of your life were predestined – the era in which you were born, the family, your choice of career, your spouse, your places of residence and work, and your church affiliation – AND… My direct entrance into your life. Certain choices that you’ve made have fitted in quite well with your planned destiny, and, again, this will all be clear to you when you come on over. (I’m not surprised that you’re coming to anticipate this “next life”.)

You were predestined to have this learner/Teacher relationship with Me, Holy Spirit, but you did have to mature some in spirit and as a writer for this to become so. If you hadn’t been “ready” in this life it would have had to be “postponed” to another. But – you were ready… and here We are.

How many of you humans are predestined? I’m not a statistician, so I’ll just say “some” but “not all”. Remember that I work when, where, how, and with whom I please. I have no routine. I am not limited. There is no “final” clear organization of spiritual life and earth life.

As The Triune God I am both full of love and committed to justice… and, logically, these can be quite opposite. I judge… and I forgive… but which? I am outside of time, and so are each of you, except as you’re here in the “civilized” earth.

You showed spiritual maturity in assessing what you could do well, and what you should avoid. Coaching was a very minor part of your predestiny. It was more a matter of getting you to the School where you should be and to meet and “win” the right mate for this life’s journey. And, yes, in My spirit of fun, it offered a chance for you to have a brief “return” to life as a Polynesian and as an Oriental.

You were not to be an administrator, and you steered away from such opportunities. You were to be a teacher, with the freedom and prestige of a full professor and the opportunities to finish your career teaching all courses that you loved. (This was not predestined; it just worked out this way… and I was pleased. I don’t need to control everything!)

WED., FEB. 10, 1999, 8:35 AM
F.P.C., A.S.C.

Once again you have been “stirred” by this understanding of life that was once almost a hallmark of the Church to which I led you. And you notice I phrased it in terms of “led” rather than “you chose”. The critical point is that you are most likely to “choose” that to which I lead you.

And, yes, I have led you to “combine” this predestination doctrine with what I prefer to call “eternal life”. Hence, I say that you have had a number of life experiences . . .

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