Some More On Sin…

Oct. 4, 1997, Sat., 6:57 AM
Farm Study

As the Gospel of Mark has Me, as Jesus, saying… real sin is in attitude… “from the heart”… rather than acts solely.  Actually a feeling of genuine independence from Me is genuine sin.  Now this doesn’t mean that you look to Me for every decision in a busy life, but it does mean that underlying your independent acts is a faith in and a basic dependence on Me.

I like the attitude that I see in you, now more often than in younger years: in the midst of trying to find something lost you say, “Help me, Lord”, and you mean it.  You’ve done what you can, so you’re assured that I will join you in the search.  It isn’t “magic”, for I don’t follow your life in minute detail, but when you find what you’re looking for, you say “Thank you, Lord”, whether I’ve helped or not.  You gave Me lots of time to help you find your mailing list.  Just assume you needed the experience of doing some of it over… and you could have thanked Me for that.  You’re welcome!

It’s hard for you to imagine that when your body dies and you come on over that you and I will review your life, experience by experience.  Your memory is slipping slowly now, so there could be much that you will have forgotten.  Will it be like Dannion described… a “rerun” of every event, those in which you were helpful but also those that involved sin?  Is it a “just system” where everything “counts” equally?

OK, I’ll tell you, yet again, that you’ll see this life, from which you’ve passed, as a part of previous life experiences… and in relation to Our general “plan” for your life before you were born.  Some individual experiences may be important, but you’ll see, more vitally, how your attitude toward and feeling for Me developed and how you approached life activities.

Some people sin less as they get older; some sin more.  You have the advantage of My direct advice as you are aging.  Use it and make these last year ones of which We can be proud.

You’ll go in to watch today’s game with a free ticket… and you have one for every home game.  You didn’t have to pay for it directly.  You’re not sure why you receive these, but they come.  Grace is similar.  When you have accepted this strange exchange… My death, as Jesus, for your sins… it’s like a free ticket, and you’re a step closer to your soul’s feeling no need for more individual life experiences.  As long as you still want and need this individual soul experience you shall have it.  You’ll “know” when it is no longer necessary.

Oct. 4, 1997, Sat., 6:57 AM
Farm Study

As the Gospel of Mark has Me, as Jesus, saying… real sin is in attitude… “from the heart”… rather than acts solely.  Actually a feeling of genuine independence from Me is genuine sin.  Now this doesn’t mean that you look to Me for every decision in a busy life, but it does mean that underlying your independent acts is a faith in and a basic dependence on Me.

I like the attitude that I see in you, now more often than in younger years: in the midst of trying to . . .

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