Some More Reflections On The Walk…

WED., MAY 5, 1993, 10:58 AM

The Sunday experience, and that of this morning brought some “reawakening” of the time called a Walk to Emmaus. The Sunday afternoon “service” brought back to remembrance of diversity in responses to the Walk, due partly to some diversity in those who participated. You felt the enthusiasm of those “leaders” in the row in front of you, and the reaction was mixed. You envied them, in a way, but still you had no real desire to be thus involved. You were reimpressed with the support offered to those who expressed positive emotions, particularly if they spoke of sin or malaise in their lives before the “three days.”

This morning began to attempt to revitalize the 4th day meetings, with John now added. You shall surely participate, but with more apparent interest and enthusiasm than you actually feel. You were going to express the reason for this during the morning’s gathering (where 4 are gathered in My Name), but you didn’t. Hear My reflection, as I know of your spiritual experiences.

In less than a week, now, you will have been on an active Walk with Me, the Holy Spirit, for 14 years. It has been the prime spiritual experience of your life, partly because of its longevity. Every Teaching does not bring the emotional experience that some aspects of the structured Walk did, but some do touch spirit… and the reaction is sustained because the tangible result remains to be read again… and again. A few make obvious differences in the lives of some readers, and this is satisfying to your spirit. So… your Walk with Me is a powerful and continuing one, so the “organized one” did not surpass what you regularly experience.

I judge also that you still feel some discomfort in the response of Pastor Mike Baker to your explanation when he “caught you” having a Teaching. You expected that he wouldn’t understand and be supportive and enthusiastic, and he wasn’t. You can understand the why of his reaction, but it didn’t leave you feeling good about the interchange. Your spirit has forgiven him… and you actually liked him… but there still is some discomfort.

The important emphasis as to what the Walk should produce is… more spiritual dimension to your activity in your own church and in your daily life, including your own teaching, counseling, and writing. You feel that you were doing this before and that you have done so since, without any great surge that could be attributed solely to the Walk. Thus, for you, the Walk doesn’t stand as a “watershed” of spiritual resurgence. Don’t fret about this. Just accept it, and glory that you didn’t need a big boost. This is relevant to what I’ve told you about learning: every Teaching does not contain brand new, spectacularly different truths… but rather lots of revisiting and reinforcement. The walk, for you, was an experience in reinforcement, not a dramatic immersion of self in Me. That is good, that you should appreciate.

WED., MAY 5, 1993, 10:58 AM

The Sunday experience, and that of this morning brought some “reawakening” of the time called a Walk to Emmaus. The Sunday afternoon “service” brought back to remembrance of diversity in responses to the Walk, due partly to some diversity in those who participated. You felt the enthusiasm of those “leaders” in the row in front of you, and the reaction was mixed. You envied them, in a way, but still you had no real desire to be thus involved. You were reimpressed with the support offered to those who expressed . . .

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