Some More Thoughts On Evil

WED., JULY 29, 1992, 9:28 PM

Spending much of this afternoon and evening reading this thesis on what seems to be an ultimate evil, you come to Me now for some help in understanding this. You probably also would like an answer to the question, “How does a good God allow this evil…?” You know some of the answers, but I’m always willing and glad to offer them again, in a new, different context.

Yes, there is evil in the earth… real evil and a lot of apparent evil. Most other realms of being have none of this. The earth has the most. If this were the only arena for life and for the development of spirit then it would be hard to justify as part of the creation of a “good God.” This is the realm with the most evil, and you all know this… more or less… as you come into it. Some who perpetrate evil didn’t intend to, but the life they experience overcomes good intentions made before birth. Others, with poorly developed spirits, come into the earth without My blessing, and the chances of their perpetrating evil is great. Yet a few do grow and “surprise Me” (well, almost).

You are right in likening what you have read, the theme of ritual abuse, to the “river between banks.” When you focus on this the picture is a dark, evil one, the river running red with the blood of cruelty. Its effects on some are terrible, but these are few. It is hideous in its worst forms, but all around it I see love, concern, and desires to live life fully and kindly. The law of karma is not gentle on those who have committed acts of cruelty, especially when it has been coupled with apparent commitment to Me and My Body, the Church. Some who are harmed were once those who did harm to others. Some of these learn powerful lessons. Those, like Ann Marie, who have a strong spirit, can come forth from these horrendous experiences and be able, because of this “recovery,” to help others live life more fully. There is no higher calling in earth life.

You remember the evil that My birth, as Jesus, caused. Because of a “rumor” that a new King of the Jews had been born, all Jewish boy babies were murdered. I could have given My life then and saved many innocent lives. But I warned Joseph, and the slaughter went on. The historical, rather than the Biblical, record shows that many early Christians went to savage, painful deaths rather than renounce their faith in Me. Rather than weakening, these deaths brought more people to Me. Did this evil bring about good? Was it necessary? Well, I used it for My purposes.

Some evil deeds are forgiven if that one who has done such truly repents and turns to Me. With true repentance there usually is a desire to help others in a variety of ways, in the earth or elsewhere. Without repentance there is justice, again in varied forms. But even with the worst I still work to affect spirit and have these acts serve as an impetus to living more selflessly. On the cross I said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” They weren’t forgiven easily… only when there was a honest knowledge of having done wrong.

( 10:16 P – 7/30 6:45 AM )

So, yes, evil is a part of earth life. Occasionally one perpetrating the evil is merely carrying out a “role”, in order that some good might follow. My disciple Judas had such a role, for the “plan” was that I, as Jesus, would die. This was the supreme example of an evil bringing forth good. (And, remember, this was not the only way for Me to complete My earth life. It was the way of sacrifice, which is one powerful good.)

WED., JULY 29, 1992, 9:28 PM

Spending much of this afternoon and evening reading this thesis on what seems to be an ultimate evil, you come to Me now for some help in understanding this. You probably also would like an answer to the question, “How does a good God allow this evil…?” You know some of the answers, but I’m always willing and glad to offer them again, in a new, different context.

Yes, there is evil in the earth… real evil and a lot of apparent evil. Most other realms of being have none . . .

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