Some More Thoughts On Ministries

MON., JUNE 14, 1993, 5:50 AM

Ministry is a “Church word” for some form of service to others, in My Name. This latter doesn’t have to be stated or even consciously felt. You just have to have the basic orientation that you are serving Me with what you do, and that much of this will benefit others.

Obviously your culture has and values ordained ministries. You have a variety of seminaries and Bible schools that offer educations toward rather overt ministries. In your denomination these increasingly are graduate schools, so that those who complete programs are well educated in general, as well as theologically. There are preaching ministries, counseling ministries, and those focusing on education. Generally, the church functions best when it is led by one or more who are ordained to and are serving in a full-time ministry. As a church grows, as a single unit and as a regional, national, or international body it must have some whose ministries are administrative in nature.

You, personally, decided many years ago that your talents, gifts, and temperament would not make you a good administrator. This helped to make you more appreciative of those who became administrators, and you should continue this appreciation. Rightfully, you feel sorry that you have not completed this present task on time, making it difficult for your chairman.

But let’s get back to ministries that are more important to you. I’ll start with one that you might expect to be a culminating one. You have a mission, and therefore a ministry, to be a joyous Christians, wherever you are. Many in your congregation have come to expect this of you, both in your assisting in worship and in your monthly newsletters. You’re getting ever better at properly mixing seriousness and fun, and that is an important ministry in a culture that defines and recognizes as many “problems” as yours does. I have encouraged you in this, and I continue to do so. Help people feel joy. That’s an important ministry.

Another ministry, allied to this one, is that of helping students enjoy the learning process. Learning can be hard, and there are many teachers who specialize in this, often unnecessarily. Your mission is to emphasize the alternative truth – that learning can be enjoyable. Thus, you give thought and preparation in organizing your classes so that there is variety… so that learning is not impeded by boredom. The tasks you require are defensible, given this mission, requiring much more than memorization of facts.

Don’t waste time comparing yourself with others, as a teacher. I have told you that you are not outstanding, even as you have enjoyed a bit of this designation. Be who you are, dedicating what you do to Me. I shall appreciate this, and it shall be satisfying to you. It is not important that you are better than _____. It is important that you are as “good” as you can be, and always seeking ways to be even better.

Each of the courses you teach becomes a specialized ministry. You have one that you may reorganize now. That could improve your ministry, for coming to terms with mood-modifying substances is certainly an important aspect of health. You have the time. Consider the reorganization a special ministry.

The courses dealing with death and life and with the environment are certainly specialized ministries in educating. In these you can use, increasingly, thoughts and truths received from Me. This obviously qualifies them even more as unique ministries.

MON., JUNE 14, 1993, 5:50 AM

Ministry is a “Church word” for some form of service to others, in My Name. This latter doesn’t have to be stated or even consciously felt. You just have to have the basic orientation that you are serving Me with what you do, and that much of this will benefit others.

Obviously your culture has and values ordained ministries. You have a variety of seminaries and Bible schools that offer educations toward rather overt ministries. In your denomination these increasingly are graduate schools, so that those who complete programs are . . .

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