Some More Words On Homosexuality

SUN., APR. 22, 1990, 6:25 AM

The study you heard reported on Friday showed a large portion of My servants in this area who are ministers to be rather unsympathetic to homosexuals and to those with AIDS. You properly criticized the instrument used to measure this fear of such persons, but you also realize that there are Scriptural passages that condemn the sexual practices of men with men. Do I, the Holy Spirit, still encourage such a condemnatory attitude?

Let’s go back to several strong premises of Mine. I love diversity. I have allowed biological diversity to occur, even in humans. One of the results of a huge human population is greater evidence of any single kind of diversity. In a sense, then, I am, as the Creator, responsible for homosexuality, for I have allowed this diverse characteristic to develop. In general, diversity makes for strength in any of My species, but any change may have “side effects.”

I created marriage as the committed relationship for the majority of humans. Marriage is a fine institution, but some are not suited for it, even as they are heterosexual. Marriage also creates a good deal of misery for some who did not choose wisely or whose circumstances are not compatible with personality. Yet these are not condemned.

I also, as part of the creative process, am responsible for the sex drive. The body, the mind, and the spirit are all involved in this feeling of sexual desire for another or others, usually of the opposite sex. This desire or drive also is in those who are attracted more to their own sex. It has to be expressed differently in lesbians than in gay men. The male with male sex act is the more violent and obvious, and is the one condemned in Scripture. Yet, finally, it is just a somewhat disturbing aspect of diversity.

Another diversity is in those who become ministers of My gospel. Even within any denomination there is diversity, but within the wide sweep of Christendom the diversity is immense. And, fundamentally, I love it, because it is essential for bringing diverse individuals to active relationship with Me. Some of these Christians will hold to Holy Scripture in some tenuous ways. Some of these feel strongly against homosexuality, see it as a terrible sin, and condemn, in subtle to vicious ways, those who are diverse in this way. I love them for their faithfulness to Me, even as I recognize their inability to combine this with love for all of My creation.

You reflected yesterday that those who disparged such clergy, even in semi-humorous ways, are themselves showing forth another form of inability to love all in My creation. Liberals have their weaknesses. It is far from a perfect stance either. Liberals tend to profess love for those conservatives reject but thus are inclined to reject conservatives for their non-liberality. This is part of the diversity I have created, increasing the need for grace. All sin and fall short.

Thus I welcome the liberal who has disdain for those who disparage homosexuals. I also welcome those conservatives who must hate the sin. I seem to have identified and therefore must reject those who practice it. And I also love homosexuals who must live some way in their diversity from the norm. And I love each more as they turn to Me, recognizing their inability to be all they could be.

SUN., APR. 22, 1990, 6:25 AM

The study you heard reported on Friday showed a large portion of My servants in this area who are ministers to be rather unsympathetic to homosexuals and to those with AIDS. You properly criticized the instrument used to measure this fear of such persons, but you also realize that there are Scriptural passages that condemn the sexual practices of men with men. Do I, the Holy Spirit, still encourage such a condemnatory attitude?

Let’s go back to several strong premises of Mine. I love diversity. I have allowed biological diversity . . .

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