Some New Year Thoughts

SUN., JAN. 2, 1983, 5:45 AM

You see the value, o son, in Teachings that are related to a holiday or special time of year, so I have no objection to following through with what is a form of request. I am not particularly impressed with the New Year holiday, of course, because it is merely a marking in a particular form of earth time, which I recognize, but do not “keep”. I like the designation that this is the 1983rd year since My birth into the earth as Jesus. The accuracy of this isn’t as important as the symbol of starting modern “time” from that event… an instance of My intrusion into the secular world.

Symbolically this is a time of taking stock of life, resolving to do in certain ways and to desist from other actions. You haven’t really done that, and so perhaps this meditation will urge you to a bit of that kind of thinking.

You are here on this second morning of the New Year, which must mean that you intend to continue these morning meditations with Me, the Holy Spirit. You will admit that you have gotten more pleasure than pain from these experiences thus far, and you intend to continue to hear and to write. I urge you to continue your Ruminations publication, and I promise to guide you in this mixture of My thoughts and yours. Yes, I have told other servants of Mine not to mix My words with others (for some specific reasons), but to you I say, “Go ahead.” As Jesus I came as a mixture of the sacred and the earthly. I came as a baby with one earthly parent… was that necessary? You wonder about what I was like as a child, a teenager, and a young man… how earthly? how spiritual? This must not have been of much consequence, because there is nothing about it in the Scriptures. You have only “rumors” and folk tales. Actually you have a perfect right to wonder, for if it was important for Me to go through the growth process into manhood, how did I do it?

When I come again into the earth how shall I be? Shall I be dressed as I was 1950 years ago (more or less) or will I be in contemporary dress? Will I be young or old? Am I already here in the earth, growing up again as a child? You see that the mixing of spirit and flesh is complicated. Nevertheless, I say “Go ahead.” These writings are to use, for the benefit of others, and this is a way of which I approve. Try for three issues this year… on your way to four.

You shall continue your Sunday morning class this season, and I shall let you know whether it should continue beyond the Spring. It is a worthwhile class, but it may be more important for you to do something else during the latter part of this year. I have not forgotten about the suggestion of a sabbatical. You have some ideas about that, which you should continue to generate, but know that I shall eventually tell you when, what, and where… even why.

SUN., JAN. 2, 1983, 5:45 AM

You see the value, o son, in Teachings that are related to a holiday or special time of year, so I have no objection to following through with what is a form of request. I am not particularly impressed with the New Year holiday, of course, because it is merely a marking in a particular form of earth time, which I recognize, but do not “keep”. I like the designation that this is the 1983rd year since My birth into the earth as Jesus. The accuracy of this isn . . .

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