Some Observations On John

DEC. 16, 1981, 6:45 AM

You have studied and pondered, o son, and now you are about ready to write some final words on the Book, the Gospel according to John. You knew, last evening, that a teaching might help in some ways, even though you were not exactly sure how. You are now here to see. Come and see.

Each Gospel was written for a somewhat different purpose, yet there also was a central one: to present the truth, the spiritual truth, of My life in the earth as Jesus, who became the Christ and yet was the Christ. Scholars ponder deeply the nuances of words and the “problems” of inconsistencies and contradictions. There need to be a few of such, but there usually are more practicing scholars than are called to be such.

In John’s account I, as Jesus, am quite aware of My mission in the earth. The major element that is missing from the story is that I enjoyed the experience – yes, even the cross. Oh, there were some matters that brought legitimate sorrow, and even John focused over much on these. I came to fulfill Jewish prophecies, and those who knew well of these prophetic portents would not accept Me as the fulfillment. But others did, and I can smile at this. Even though many Christians await My coming again to the earth, however and whenever I come I shall not be believed by many. Again, as John says, only those who are chosen, who have the love of God especially given, will discern and accept Me… and greet Me.

You write My thoughts, the present day manifestation of the Holy Spirit in this particular way. But because neither I nor John was specific about how the Spirit, given in a new way because of My life, death, and resurrection, comes… and there is doubt and rejection of this work We do together.

The two powerful contributions of John’s gospel are the concept of I am and the gift of the Holy Spirit. John wrote with the perspective that found it good to portray Me as aware of My incarnation as the Christ and therefore “in charge” of what was happening. I was a human man not in doubt and weakness, but in liking certain people more than others and in disliking the religiosity that the long, beautiful tradition had spawned. There is also the strong affirmation that most Christians don’t like to interpret and prefer not to generalize from: before Abraham was, I am. I was not created in a conception (by Me, incidentally). A Jewish male body was, so that I could be born into the proper tradition, but, as John says, the Word was in the beginning with God and was God. It was an incarnation, and why should it be different with each of you?

The other major offering, from My perspective (naturally) is the announcement that as the result of My demise, as Jesus, I, the Holy Spirit, shall come and interpret, teach, and counsel… with each and every incarnate human being. It was a holy exchange. From Jesus life came Scripture and tradition, and this is still important to the faith. I can help in your understanding Scripture, for clearly the times are different than when the exchange was made.

I also can give contemporary insights and can nudge you to an understanding of life matters not emphasized in these Holy Scriptures.

DEC. 16, 1981, 6:45 AM

You have studied and pondered, o son, and now you are about ready to write some final words on the Book, the Gospel according to John. You knew, last evening, that a teaching might help in some ways, even though you were not exactly sure how. You are now here to see. Come and see.

Each Gospel was written for a somewhat different purpose, yet there also was a central one: to present the truth, the spiritual truth, of My life in the earth as Jesus, who became the Christ . . .

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