Some Positive Thoughts

SUN., NOV. 15, 1998, 6:38 AM

It is a clear, bright, cool morning, the small stove flutters as it adds some heat to this cool room, and you await the appearance of the sun. As you should have done, on this Christian Sabbath, you have re-read the Teachings I have given you this week, and you see that already you have four. This one can be a Teaching you commence in this early morning time and then finish after church and other activities of the day.

With you, I am a Positive Spirit… a Positive God. (Aha, there’s your first glimpse of the sun, that life giver/sustainer for you earth dwellers!). Though it is easy to define and recognize “problems”, and struggle with their “solution” I prefer to see this earth as quite a marvelous setting for spiritual growth, some of which does come from adversity. You have not had much of that in your life, and you have progressed well with the experiences you have had. For, of course, it also is quite possible to move ahead spiritually as you appreciate, positively, the life you have lived… and are living.

Poised on the brink of another war is a present description for your culture. It is not worrisome to most of you, for there seems to be no danger to you (6:55 AM / 8:30 PM) and other Americans. It is an attempt to bring a Muslim dictator into being a more reasonable world leader, but he sees both Christianity and your American culture as being a threat to his nation. There are at least two positive thoughts concerning this: Saddam shall back down, and your culture’s show of force will prevail as a strategy… AND… your missiles will be the show of force necessary to reduce the Iraqi threat. Other outcomes would be more negative and not appropriate to this Teaching. It is difficult to speak of positive effects from even a one-sided “war”, but I also have to admit that wars always have some positive, spiritual-enhancing consequences. This is not “popular” to say, but it is true.

Looking ahead to the Y2K threat… when computers may “screw up” organized life rather than maintaining its predictableness… I will say this, in the positive mode. As expected electronic functions shut down or function “irrationally” it shall be a sort of test of your national spirit. Can you, most of you, adapt in ways that maintain a sense of trust and love, until “order” is restored… or… will there be violence and mayhem, motivated by selfishness? It is unlikely to be consistent either way. Thus it will give some perhaps vivid picture of your claim to be civilized. I see it as positive that you have this spiritual face of your culture tested and evaluated. I won’t tell you how this shall come out.

There were some positive happenings in your church scene this morning. The letter from Anna was initially disquieting, but you didn’t hesitate to talk with her, apologize for the harm she experienced, and be offered her forgiveness. You also had an encounter with Richard in relation to the letters from Anna and from Tom. The outcome was a positive one for both of you, another step toward healing and restoration of trust. You should be able to convey these experiences to the Session in its meeting this week.

How positive your church can be, for this coming year, will be influenced, if not determined by, the Stewardship drive and how close the pledge total comes to the projected budget. If it is insufficient it will be an opportunity for positive appreciation for what has been pledged OR negative sadness for failures to achieve community compassion. I liked your decision in relation to UCM. Be sure and keep abreast of what is going on there.

SUN., NOV. 15, 1998, 6:38 AM

It is a clear, bright, cool morning, the small stove flutters as it adds some heat to this cool room, and you await the appearance of the sun. As you should have done, on this Christian Sabbath, you have re-read the Teachings I have given you this week, and you see that already you have four. This one can be a Teaching you commence in this early morning time and then finish after church and other activities of the day.

With you, I am a Positive Spirit… a Positive God . . .

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