Some Pre-Christmas Advice

FRI., DEC. 24, 1999, 6:23 AM

You know, o son, that this is the morning of Christmas Eve. Your desk is a mess, and your spirit is far from tranquil. “Peace on earth” does not exactly apply to you. I can’t “correct” your life perception and situation, but I can give advice. So, yes, I did awaken you from a night of dreaming that was not pleasant, with some of My “patented” fearful thoughts, and here you are, in a fairly warm room. (That’s a good little stove, if it is lit “early enough.”)

It really does not surprise you that this is Christmas Eve, and you are not “ready.” It seems now, and at other times, too, that “life is piling up on you”… that you still “can’t afford” times of relaxation and “accomplishing nothing.” I advise that such times are important for you now, in this last leg of this life journey. This desk… even this room… is symbolic as well as real. I want this desk cleaned off and “organized” before tomorrow, and the rest of the room put in order before the New Year. You have a week.

It may seem strange to anyone reading or hearing the reading of this Teaching that I, Holy Spirit, am insisting that it is important to eliminate (yes, eliminate) the mess and clutter of this importantly symbolic room. I just see that it, in its present condition, is harmful to your spiritual health. This pen is also a symbol – it is directly a part of this Teaching process, and it is broken. Make an attempt to “mend” it or “retire it” and ordain another writing tool as “the only one” for this vital part of this earth life. So, start with the desk, even today. So advise… I.

You aren’t truly satisfied with the gifts you shall be giving. Your goal is to offer more of yourself to those you love most, rather than just tangible gifts. I offered you the phrase, “presence rather than presents,” and I advise this, even as I recognize that time and attention can be as valuable as money, and thus can often seem to be “in short supply.” Make the pledges you envision, and then try to fulfill them. That’s My best advice, at this late time.

You remember, with some sadness, your Dad’s inability to relate to much that was going on around him, including the children. In years, you, now, are much younger than he was then, but you are feeling some of what he must have felt… less interest in and capacity to relate to the imperatives of life around you. Balance is important here. To some extent you must fight to stay “involved” with those who are important to you, AND, you must “go gently” into this next “time of life,” which I want to be valuable for you… in your Total Life Journey. Try to maintain how you have been, AND, allow yourself to comfortably be as you should be, now. This is a tricky balance. I can help, but I also can become “part of the problem,” in what I want from and for you.

My advice in relation to your drinking is similar… be aware of your tendency toward excess, and exert control (including some abstinence, as you did this week), AND, relax… forget your shortcomings and handicaps and just appreciate who and what you are, with all of the blessings I have bestowed upon you. Such advice will “allow” you to “over-do”, from time to time, and then… time to rebalance.

You’re coming to see Thanksgiving as a more appealing holiday (holy day?), but credit that to your age. Christmases past are more memorable than Thanksgivings, but each should be important, in somewhat different ways.

FRI., DEC. 24, 1999, 6:23 AM

You know, o son, that this is the morning of Christmas Eve. Your desk is a mess, and your spirit is far from tranquil. “Peace on earth” does not exactly apply to you. I can’t “correct” your life perception and situation, but I can give advice. So, yes, I did awaken you from a night of dreaming that was not pleasant, with some of My “patented” fearful thoughts, and here you are, in a fairly warm room. (That’s a good little stove, if it is lit “early enough.”)

It . . .

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