Some Questions? Some Answers

WED., DEC. 11, 1996, 8:39 AM

Some interesting and reasonably important questions came up in your breakfast discussion this morning. Who better than I, the Holy Spirit, to offer answers to these? Are these answers the only ones… that all should hold to? Of course not. Are they important for you, as a special servant of Mine? Certainly… and… of course.

One question was, to the effect, am I, as the Triune God, always the same? Note, first, that the question came up in relation to the Old Testament story, so they only recognized One God. But that means Jesus, the Christ, and I, Holy Spirit, also are not considered. So the answer to the fundamental question is that, for you, I am a more “complete” God than when I dealt with Jacob, Joseph, and the rest of those Hebrews. That could be called “different”, or it was just that I was not yet fully revealed. And, of course, the Jewish descendants of these patriarchs still don’t accept My “completeness”. Does this bother Me? If it really did I could change it? Say again My mantra: I love diversity.

I’ll tell you some ways in which I am “the same”. Despite some Biblical passages and incidents to the contrary, I am fundamentally Love. I love this earth realm, and I love all of the humans I have created. And I love all of the other forms of life that form the incredible web of interrelationships. Now one fundamental to these often conflicting Loves is that death is an integral part of this realm. Death is not a punishment. Death is just a change of scene. Death doesn’t diminish My Love for any soul, and the changes that shall come in the future, near and far, are all blessed ones, for I either cause or allow.

The reenactment, last evening, of the Dannion Brinkley story told this vividly. Death, even a traumatic one, can be a beautiful experience. He experienced near-death twice, and the experiences made his earth life both harder and more dedicated. He looks forward to final death, but knows he has “things to do” where he is and with the “gifts” that the lightening trauma allowed. Have I especially rewarded him, after a childhood and young manhood of violent, selfish behavior? Why didn’t these experiences come to some dedicated, born-again Christian young man, as a reward for dedication to Me?

Here’s where I am “the same”… inconsistent, by your culture’s standards. I can reward goodness and dedication… rewards that are clearly deserved. I also can, and do, pick people who are “rotten” by a culture’s standards and reward them. The last shall be first… and the first shall be first.

You are kind of an in-between case. You acknowledge that there is no defensible reason for selecting you to receive these Teachings and learn directly from Me. You are not a theologian, not ordained (except as an Elder). You are not exactly “clean-cut” and an accepted saint. You have been reasonably well-known in your field, but that recognition will fade rather quickly. On the other hand you were not an agnostic or atheist or a mean guy like Dannion. Your “conversion” was not at all dramatic. Why, then?

Another “the same” – I don’t have to have “good reasons” for My actions. I’ve given you the opportunity to hear Me, and some tasks beyond this. I also want you to remain active in your Presbyterian Church, even if you have to struggle with being a “closet mystic”.

Another question, one you had: is this story of My actions with these Jews of any consequence to you Christians, since they rejected Me, as the Christ and Messiah? The answer is both No… and Yes. It is a story that begins as “your story”, but then diverges with My death and resurrection as Jesus. So, in this sense it is no more your story than that coming through Mohammed or Buddha, or Krishna. It is, now, “another story”. For you the graft is of more significance and truth than the original root and plant.

WED., DEC. 11, 1996, 8:39 AM

Some interesting and reasonably important questions came up in your breakfast discussion this morning. Who better than I, the Holy Spirit, to offer answers to these? Are these answers the only ones… that all should hold to? Of course not. Are they important for you, as a special servant of Mine? Certainly… and… of course.

One question was, to the effect, am I, as the Triune God, always the same? Note, first, that the question came up in relation to the Old Testament story, so they only recognized One God. But . . .

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