Some Reactions To Your Reading


This new lifestyle of yours (and Ours) certainly has room for days like this – getting up late and just enjoying and contemplating. There is much for you to contemplate, even as most of this requires no action on your part. And, wisely (from a spiritual perspective), you have come to hear Me, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, express reactions to some of your reading and thoughts thereon.

Certainly you expect Me to agree with the increasing agreement (yet again) the I, as God, do exist. I fully realize that My existence continues to be affirmed and denied, in different eras and different cultures. Just for fun I actually encourage this, and some who decided against Me are often surprised, at their bodily death, not only at My actual existence but at My acceptance of their errors and short-sightedness.

With all of the shades and ranges of diversity in humans that are quite evident in the human population it should seem clear that I am the Source of this diversity… and it does reflect Me, personally. You have said, often and rightly, about Me, Holy Spirit, that I work when, where, how, and with whom I choose. This is also true of Me as Jesus, the Christ and of Me, as Almighty God. Do I determine everything and have the future entirely mapped out? No. Or do I have no directive and controlling powers, being able only to react to what people decide and do? Of course not. As I have told you often, I have complete and final power, but mostly I choose not to use it. I am more fully aware of how present actions relate to past actions than any of you can be (even with all of your sophisticated technology). I can foresee the future in general ways, and I do guide this, to some extent. Yet I choose to let most of you exert your own wills, and, frequently, I’m able to help someone who has made some bad decisions grow spiritually from these and come to a better balance in life.

Karla Faye is a publicized example of this. She was executed for the murders she committed as a wayward young person, but she had come to Me, accepted My forgiveness, and come on across with a smile of anticipation. For remember: life in the spirit is a continuing journey. Bodily death, most often, is of very little consequence.

That applies to this potential war with Iraq that you read about and that is poised to be. The “weapons” (biological and chemical), which are at the base of this “dispute”, are deadly. If employed they would kill many and devastate areas of the earth that now are inhabitable. They have some similarity to nuclear weapons, which were used twice and not since. Those two bombs caused much destruction, but also were a lesson to you humans… though I have to admit that I am partly responsible for “no further lessons”. I may have to allow some use of these present destroyers, for another lesson to be clear.

Remember that My servant Thomas identified the three main limits to human population growth, and these still apply, these many years later: war, pestilence, and famine. This present conflict threatens to combine war and pestilence, and may be triggered in part by hunger in Iraq.

Will I stop this little war from occurring? Probably not, for it could serve some of My purposes. But, as with nuclear weapons I will limit the use of these weapons of mass destruction and land ruination.

You are having great difficulty in coming to a decision about how to receive this money that you earned but which can’t be returned as part of your regular “pension”. The decision does involve… how long you will live… what your sons and families will need from you… what amount of tax you will have to pay… Each option has some advantages, as well as some that are dis…I won’t tell you what to do, for I am little interested in money and financial matters. I’d say just stop stewing about it and decide. You can’t really make a mistake… unless you up and die in a few years… and then you’ll be with Me, concerned little about dollars and debts.


This new lifestyle of yours (and Ours) certainly has room for days like this – getting up late and just enjoying and contemplating. There is much for you to contemplate, even as most of this requires no action on your part. And, wisely (from a spiritual perspective), you have come to hear Me, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, express reactions to some of your reading and thoughts thereon.

Certainly you expect Me to agree with the increasing agreement (yet again) the I, as God . . .

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