Some Thoughts About Health

SAT., JULY 26, 1997, 7:22 PM

You are here in an evening time, but you know I’ll be here to be with you, as Teacher. Your professional career as a health educator is almost over, but you, still, shall have opportunities to offer perceptions of this quality, called health. Increasingly I want you to interpret and reflect My thoughts and convictions on what this term should encompass.

This morning’s paper included an item telling of a good majority of your population, despite humanism and science, that affirms support for spirit being a vital part of health and of healing. This is more evidence that the wave of spirituality is rising and breaking over your culture and over this profession that you now are leaving. It would have been nice if this would have come somewhat earlier, but be joyous that you were part of the wave that now is present. Others will acknowledge its importance, and a few will remember you and what you have done in leadership for this important inclusion. Be appreciative of any recognition.

Yesterday, at your last class, you did speak of My concern for the whole of creation and for the health of the whole web of life. That was a positive. I do have such a “burden”, with the current focus on Lake Tahoe as a relevant example. This is one of the great natural beauty spots on your continent, and you had at least part of a week near that lake. Human actions that are polluting that lake are not so much sins as they are of “being American” in aspirations and in actions for progress. I am opposed to these values only as they diminish the health of an environment that should be preserved, rather than just “used up”.

The term “health” should first be applied to the whole of this planet and to the total environment of a place. The health of humans, in general, is a factor in the whole, but not… I now say… as primary in concern. In My love for diversity I cannot guarantee equality in opportunity or in actuality. Human longevity is not My #1 priority. I want humans to treat this earth, of Mine, as I’ve encouraged you to be in this place. Make changes for your advantage and comfort, with love and appreciation… and then just accept and enjoy the way nature responds, without your intervention. Oh, you shall probably intervene more into the “natural”, but always be aware of what you are changing.

This affirmation does imply that I am not fully in favor of new life arriving, in human form, and of human deaths being thwarted. I certainly cannot be held to strict either/or thinking, but I have to admit that My love for the total web of life, and My love of new life seems to imply that I have lessened love for the elderly who cannot adapt to life’s challenges without considerable medical help.

It is interesting to Me, and a bit troublesome also, that suicide and assisted death (quite an acceptable term… Right on, Aoki!) are spoken of as selfish, while heroic means to postpone a death are seen as “what should be done”. I applaud the hospice movement of accepting death as an expected part of life, and I approve of many more suicides in the elderly than those of which I disapprove. Seeing suicide as a sin has some basis, but rarely is it as significant a sin as holding onto this earth life through expensive, energy intensive treatments.

Health is, as you have proclaimed for lo, these considerable number of years, the capacity to function as a whole human, including spirit… and the capacity to adapt, with minimal assistance, to changes in life circumstances. Health is the capacity… and desire… to be of help to others in this life journey AND to turn increasingly to Me as a counseling friend.

SAT., JULY 26, 1997, 7:22 PM

You are here in an evening time, but you know I’ll be here to be with you, as Teacher. Your professional career as a health educator is almost over, but you, still, shall have opportunities to offer perceptions of this quality, called health. Increasingly I want you to interpret and reflect My thoughts and convictions on what this term should encompass.

This morning’s paper included an item telling of a good majority of your population, despite humanism and science, that affirms support for spirit being a vital part of . . .

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