Some Thoughts On Churches

SAT., DEC. 19, 1998, 12:20 PM

Your theology proclaims that the Church is My Body, the Body of Christ. (I’ll say again that I, as Holy Spirit, am One with the Father and the Son, so I can speak as “any one of Us”. Just know that in Our case, One is Three, and Three is One. Pretty mystical, eh?!) As a body has many parts that work together in perfect health, so these can work against full functioning in ill-health. The Church has many “manifestations”. Christianity just has many “faces”. But I have created, and I do love diversity, so this range of perceiving Me is only occasionally irritating.

Within your comparatively small church in one of the smaller denominations you are aware of a good deal of diversity, which has become divisive. Now that is about to be faced, and there will be some changes coming. You are pleased to still be on good terms with Richard, the focus of some of this discontent, and I want you to continue to be.

Being a “fighter” for causes has not been a hallmark of your life. You have not liked making enemies, and hence you count few people as such. It was disturbing to have Bev so angry with you, and you are pleased that you and she are now on good terms again. Perhaps this “clash” may be the unexpected spark to a better friendship in the future.

It is not easy for churches to deal with controversy and “sides” as they develop. It is, and should be, difficult to know when to “turn the other cheek”, giving in to actions and principles that seem wrong, AND when to fight for what you consider right… Onward Christian Soldiers!, remember? And as I see churches functioning it is rare that one faction is completely Right and another completely Wrong. And you remember your experiences with the S.H.E.S., when… if you prevailed and “won” on some point of controversy you had to concede on others.

That’s a good way for church folk to be with one another, but I realize that Holy Scripture, theology, and Church doctrine often make some compromise harder… and more contentious. My Presbyterian portion of this Body of Mine is more democratic than, say, Michael’s Orthodox portion. In your organization no one has ultimate power, while your son has found that Bishops and Metropolitans have power, if they choose to use it. Am I bothered by this? I am, finally no more interested in church governing forms than I am in civil governing. Good, sincere servants of Mine come forth from, and are nurtured by, quite a variety of churches. And despite the statement in your Presbyterian paper, there can also be Christians unaffiliated with a church. A few loners are welcome. (12:56 / 1:36)

It also is both troubling and expected that the majority of church members of your age are satisfied, even pleased with church services and the way their church functions, while the younger folk call for change… for church life to be different than they’re now experiencing. That’s fairly normal, as I see relations between the young and the old. The young want change, but usually don’t have the power to affect such (if they could agree on what they want). Those in the middle years, with the power, usually respect the desires of the young, so some changes are instituted, but they also are coming to think more as the elders do, so some things stay “as they are”.

Your Second Service situation is a good example. Those coming are not contributing as expected, so the service must be subsidized. (1:50 / 2:00) Is it a worthy “mission” for the church? And will the next generation of youngsters want something different? Is “different” better… or just different? And you can’t even imagine what I see in the range of denominations and off-shoots… and in the range of congregations in each denomination. I like tradition… and innovations… even weird ways of relating to Me… and this earth scene and its people.

SAT., DEC. 19, 1998, 12:20 PM

Your theology proclaims that the Church is My Body, the Body of Christ. (I’ll say again that I, as Holy Spirit, am One with the Father and the Son, so I can speak as “any one of Us”. Just know that in Our case, One is Three, and Three is One. Pretty mystical, eh?!) As a body has many parts that work together in perfect health, so these can work against full functioning in ill-health. The Church has many “manifestations”. Christianity just has many “faces”. But I have created . . .

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