Some Thoughts On “Modern Medicine”

FRI., DEC. 8, 1995, 12:50 PM

Your culture, widened to the Western world, has developed the treatment of disease, injuries, and infirmities to quite a successful point, by historical standards. There is continued hope that “progress” will continue, with operations and medicines, and that many lives will be saved, to live many years. Your professional field is health education, and in your culture you are expected to be more than supportive of your medical care system… as one that truly abets and restores good health. You have never been as enthusiastic as you’re “supposed to be”, and since you’ve been listening to Me, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God (the Only One), you are even less supportive.

Most American Christians assume that I am for longer and longer human life, and am not for pain, suffering, and disability. Therefore I must be a partner in modern, scientific medicine (even as, in principle, there is no acceptance of Me nor of any role I have in these processes). As I have told you before, I can and do work through certain medical personnel, who seek My guidance and help, and I occasionally extend the life of a patient, for My own special purposes. However, I often, and increasingly, see lives extended beyond the span they should have had, and only occasionally do these survivors contribute more to the earth scene and grow spiritually in a significant way. Too often survivors, due to “medical wizardry” are too focused on self and what they must do to continue earth life. Some of these have been good Christians, but their spiritual growth wanes as they “take care of themselves”. Sad!

Modern medicine requires ever more wasteful use of resources. Other modes of diagnosis and treatment may not be as “successful” in extending lives, but there may be more attention to spirit and to real care of patients. And now your culture is facing the matter of its deficits and its debts, which means it must face the amount of tax money that goes into keeping this industry going… and “progressing”. Medicare and Medicaid will require increasing funds if the elderly and the poor are to have the care and treatment that is appropriate for their many conditions of ill-health, with costs ever increasing. If I care for the elderly and the poor then I must be wholeheartedly for continued medical spending, as is needed for life prolongation, mustn’t I?

Well, as you know I am not wholeheartedly for this use of funds. I am for health and healthy living, but modern medicine is only a small part of this. Let’s speak of you, personally. I want you to live a healthy life, as simple as possible. I want you to serve others, as the purpose of your life. I want you to see that extra monies that you have be given to Me, through My Church and through other groups that have purposes that you know I have. I want you to stay active for as long as you can, enjoying what you can do to make the lives of students, family, and friends better and to maintain the health of My total earth environment, with its many forms of life. You are to utilize medicine as little as possible, using your own resources to adapt. And I want you to be ready to cross on over to your continuation of spiritual life when your body can’t or won’t adapt adequately any more. You know all of this, but reminders are often helpful.

If everyone in your culture took this as a model for living there would be increased deaths, for a time, and then life would balance in more natural, ecological ways… and be “better”, from My perspective. This is not likely to happen voluntarily, given your culture’s present values, but I may (1:39 / 1:44) increase My influence in some unexpected ways to maintain balances more to My liking. I am seldom given credit for what I do now for balancing toward a life rhythm that is more sustainable.

FRI., DEC. 8, 1995, 12:50 PM

Your culture, widened to the Western world, has developed the treatment of disease, injuries, and infirmities to quite a successful point, by historical standards. There is continued hope that “progress” will continue, with operations and medicines, and that many lives will be saved, to live many years. Your professional field is health education, and in your culture you are expected to be more than supportive of your medical care system… as one that truly abets and restores good health. You have never been as enthusiastic as you’re “supposed to be . . .

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