Some Thoughts On The Millenium

THURS., DEC. 15, 1994, 5:50 AM

One of the “references” you shall include in this current Ruminations is the article you finally read through last evening. It is interesting when a news magazine has a representation of the Holy Family on its cover, with the feature story dealing with the millennium, My coming again, as Jesus. The new year will be 1995, only 5 years, then, from the year 2000, which is presumably exactly 2,000 years since My birth, as Jesus. It would be dramatic, now wouldn’t it, to return just as a new century commences.

All of this assumes, of course, the reality of linear time. There certainly is a basis for time, both with the spinning of the earth in relation to the sun, and the earth’s movement in orbit around that life sustaining “star.” Yet, as I have repeatedly told you, these obvious realities of time are circular. Right now it is becoming somewhat light in the east, heralding a new day. But this happens every morning. It stays dark longer in the winter, but each day begins basically this way. It is Thursday, but there was a Thursday last week, and there will be a Thursday in all of the weeks to come. In your portion of the country winter comes as a fairly distinct season, but it always followed by Spring, and the summer.

In contrast, there is linear time, measured in years. This is 1994. With the new year it will be past and will never occur again. By this calculation you are just about completing the 1995th year since My birth, as Jesus. Your age also is calculated in linear time, with you being, now, midway in your 69th year.

You know that you will live only so many years, and you are now among the young elderly. If you will live as long as your parents then you have many more years ahead. If you don’t make the adaptations they have made, your life will be shorter. This means that you will “come again” into the spirit world, where you have been before.

The millennium is thus a matter of linear time and also the promise, the certainty that I will come again as Jesus into the earth. Why will I do this? Presumably I am not satisfied with the way My human creations are living life here, and I shall come to “fix things.” In one way or another I shall remove evil people and evil acts from this earth, and it again shall be a paradise.

Does this mean that I have to give up diversity? Well, I certainly must “rein it in.” People will have to be much more alike and much less competitive. If I whisk away all of those who have done some evil deeds and have not turned their hearts completely to Me, as the Messiah Christ, then there clearly should be fewer humans on the earth. Will it be a simpler culture, like unto that in villages in India, Bolivia, Mali… Or will you retain all of the technology and institutions of your modern culture? Will there still be births and deaths? Will no one ever be selfish and want more than is his due? Will there be an active government or will I, at last, take the government upon My shoulders and rule in peace. Will there be any need for a justice system if everyone is eternally just in their dealings with others? Will there still be airplanes, so that travel to faraway places is possible? Will that be desirable? Will some planes still crash, with casualties?

THURS., DEC. 15, 1994, 5:50 AM

One of the “references” you shall include in this current Ruminations is the article you finally read through last evening. It is interesting when a news magazine has a representation of the Holy Family on its cover, with the feature story dealing with the millennium, My coming again, as Jesus. The new year will be 1995, only 5 years, then, from the year 2000, which is presumably exactly 2,000 years since My birth, as Jesus. It would be dramatic, now wouldn’t it, to return just as a new century . . .

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