Something About Ruminations

FRI., DEC. 2, 1983, 12:37 PM

A commitment for December is what I have asked of you, o son, and you will fulfill it, I’m sure. You had just a bit of doubt about the nature of My call, and just a bit of resentment (yes) about the commitment, but I guarantee that it will be worthwhile. The next week may be a bit hectic, but this is an exercise in putting Me first… and you still need rather frequent bouts of this exercise. I must also add that I do not leave you to your own motivations and priorities. With many humans I do, and they have relatively free will, but with you, particularly in relation to this “educational program”, I shall abet your own conscience and predilections. Count on Me!

This earth year of 1983 is in its last calendar segment, and there shall be only two issues of Ruminations again (and there will be two!). I have given you the goal, but have not set a specific year in which this must be accomplished. Mainly, this is because you have other contributions to make in your professional journals that shall also abet my purposes in this field of yours. Some of these still remain unwritten, so they lie ahead. BUT… I must push you a bit more in relation to the Ruminations. Therefore I tell you that you shall compose and mail out three issues in 1984, one in each of the four month segments which you can easily designate. Knowing this, you can simply post this as a major priority, and see that it is accomplished. This is important to Me (in My relations with you), and I shall not wait for you to take this step on your own.

I also have put in your mind that it is about time to learn to use the computer, initially for the production of these Ruminations. This is not an immediate need, but it is desirable in the near future. I have told you that while I do not create or necessarily bless the many fruits of technology I can use some for My purposes. Consider this an example of this premise.

Now… about this current Ruminations… you have the five Teachings which shall be the basic resource material. I repeat again that it is all right to try the “entire Teaching” format, rather than just selected excerpts. You still will comment only on selected ideas and statements, but readers can experience the quote in its whole context as part of a Teaching. This will not be universally valued, but I urge you to do it this way for the current issue. It may not be the format for all future issues, but it has some merits.

I urge you to retain the spirit and the practice which your title describes. You must take the time to ruminate upon… ponder… consider the material in these sources and then put down what your mind and spirit together generate. It cannot be done quickly, as some other tasks must be done.

The key perspective in the introduction should be that I, the Holy Spirit, am “alive” and functioning well in the “world” in which you are. I do pay attention to what you read and what you see and hear. I am directly involved in the production of some of this “art”, and I am indirectly involved in much more. The rest, as well as those I have influenced, can be used by Me as part of the enhancement of spiritual growth. And this, of course, is My major mission… in the earth and elsewhere.

There still will be a difference between an issue of Ruminations and the Teachings on which it is based, and you must quietly but persistently repeat this truth. The Teachings are Mine, while the Ruminations are your leisurely comments and reflections on these. Certainly, I continue to influence you, but the influence is much more indirect.

FRI., DEC. 2, 1983, 12:37 PM

A commitment for December is what I have asked of you, o son, and you will fulfill it, I’m sure. You had just a bit of doubt about the nature of My call, and just a bit of resentment (yes) about the commitment, but I guarantee that it will be worthwhile. The next week may be a bit hectic, but this is an exercise in putting Me first… and you still need rather frequent bouts of this exercise. I must also add that I do not leave you . . .

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