Something “Special” Is Going On

JUNE 28, 1979, 5:50 AM

I became aware of a strange little drama going on in my head as I awaited the theme for today. It was like a dream… and very brief… but very important. The details fade, but the essence was… as the Spirit is speaking to and working in a life those around him or her are affected. They just know that “something special is going on”.

(The above paragraph was written by Bob Russell as he waited for the Spirit…)

And it is, o son, and you know it. You tried out the idea yesterday of skipping today… of just doing this every other day… even once a week. But here you are before 6 in the morn. You awoke early, and the possibility of not “entering in” was not even considered. Why? Because something “special” is going on, and you’re not, finally, willing to see what life is like without this “special relationship”. You say you’ll try it after the month to which you are committed is over. Perhaps you will. But you probably, now, will follow My bidding. If I want you every morning I shall get you to make another contract (in one of My ways). If I really want you, I doubt that you can resist.

Know that you are always welcome. We can talk of many things. I shall be pleased to instruct you if you come with an open heart and mind. But this is different from what is happening now. Now something “special” is going on. I have something “special” I want you to do, and everything that happens now is part of that preparation. EVERYTHING. Be aware. Discern what values come from the way you feel. KNOW that you are purposely overburdened now. KNOW that the Scott-Foresman situation is of My doing.

You are fretting too much. Your rhythm is cock-eyed. You lose the spirit of what We do too quickly as the day progresses. Something “special” is going on. This is not just your mind trying to justify your continuation as a sacrifice. It is I, the Lord, the Spirit, who call you to this special time and task. You must ride through the times of “down” and continue to be Me in the world. I want, I so want others to feel, as they are with you, that something “special” is going on. And it involves you. And it involves them.

It is true that I have told you not to expect great success or acclaim… that what you shall do is not of great consequence… you shall just be important to Me. I hope I haven’t underestimated the strength of your sense of self. That should be centered in Me, not in successes in the world. As I have told you before, write the book with a happy heart and be not troubled by the criticism. At some time it will be clear why this is. Now just live with it merrily.

Those who direct you are not of consequence. They are not right. But the situation in total is in My will. Know this. Never proceed with anything having to do with them without this FIRMLY in mind and heart. If your spirit begins to hurt, back off. Reread these messages. Regroup.

Do the elementary task. But it still is not determined whether this shall be in your future or not. Remember this. Don’t get your self inextricably webbed in. I may not want you there. Yes, I am saying this.

Apply rhythm to your Saturday afternoon opportunity. Think about it. Prepare for it. But also “just let it happen”. For this is an important part of your teaching style. (Yes, you can use this as an example.)

You are not writing letters. You must write one each day. There is time. Short but regular. Set a schedule. Do it. Communicate your spirit. Let people know that something “special” is going on here. For IT IS!

I believe your spirit is moving “up”. Proceed with the day. Be aware. Appreciate all that happens. See My hand in the things that transpire. Be My Soul today.

6:50 AM