Son Of Man

TUES., OCT. 11, 1988, 6:40 AM

Son of Man is the way I, as Jesus, referred to Myself, as reported in Matthew and Mark. You have not been as impressed with this title as with the full identification of Myself as the Son of God, in John. Still, it has merit, and I want you, o son, to appreciate this more than you do.

As the Holy Spirit I call you “son.” In one sense that is literally true, but the essence of you is spirit, and that spirit came directly from Me. Just as a healthy mother is not diminished by having a child, I am not diminished by sending forth a part of Myself, spirit, to become an immortal soul. In earth terms this term “son” is as appropriate as any. You are a spiritual son of Mine.

You have had experiences with sons. Initially each is dependent on you for nurture and for protection. Then one learns, and may, for a time, feel superior to you, no longer in need of what you early provided. But then maturity develops, and there is more gentle acceptance of the role of son and of you as father. The analogy is not perfect, but apt.

When you, as a son of Mine, have developed sufficiently you shall see that individuality is no longer necessary, and you shall simply give your identity back to Me and become “as I am.” Until you have reached this state of growth this final “end” does not seem desirable. I can just assure you that it is and shall be.

As Jesus, I was, so the doctrine says, fully God and fully Man. This, of course, is the generic use of this term, less “fashionable” now in your culture. Words can take on different meanings at different times in the life of a culture, and “man,” once comfortably used to represent both males and females, now has the connotation, as interpreted literally, of male dominance. To avoid this it could be said that I was fully God and fully human.

To be fully human I had to have a body, and there was no good point in My coming forth in some half male, half female version. So My body was male. My humanness came through My Mother, and My “Godness” came through Me, the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, I was the Son of God and also the Son of Man (and, in a literal sense, that Man was Mary). I came forth out of Man, or human kind. I was to live, breath, eat, urinate, work… but not procreate. I was to be fully man, but not quite. A present film raises this controversy. If I was fully a young man did I not feel sexual urges? You see this as a more reasonable temptation than those described as offered by the devil. I say to you, of course I did, for these urges were part of Creation, and that was solely of My doing.

Son of Man is an appropriate term, as I have explained it. To make it “non-sexist” is not easy… Son of Humankind, while accurate, seems a bit awkward. As I was the Son of God, so I was the Son of Humankind, for God and Creation are ultimately one. You are the son of Ralph and the son of Lela… and you are the son of Ralph and Lela. So, likewise, I was both/and… and am so this very day.

I died as the man Jesus, but I returned, for a time, in a visible, spiritual body. Then I rose to merge with the Father… BUT I also remain active as Jesus, bringing comfort and guidance to some, as I do with you, as the Holy Spirit. Why? That is not a relevant question. What I have described is the way reality is. And beyond that…

TUES., OCT. 11, 1988, 6:40 AM

Son of Man is the way I, as Jesus, referred to Myself, as reported in Matthew and Mark. You have not been as impressed with this title as with the full identification of Myself as the Son of God, in John. Still, it has merit, and I want you, o son, to appreciate this more than you do.

As the Holy Spirit I call you “son.” In one sense that is literally true, but the essence of you is spirit, and that spirit came directly from Me. Just as a healthy . . .

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