Songs And Understanding

SUN., JAN. 9, 1983, 8:45 AM

After a rather long time of not singing (as a way of encouraging understanding) you are on the verge of a short performance again. I shall immediately reiterate that this small talent is a gift that you are to use sparingly, but that you are to use when opportunities arise. I call you not only to identify, talk about, and write about this spiritual dimension to health, but also to encourage its development. One way of doing this is through songs and music.

I do not call you to become a more expert player of music, but you do have a responsibility to be ready to do as well as you are able, in any performance. You know this, but you do not always do the actual practicing.

Songs have a special capacity for communicating and can have a special effect upon spirit. There is no guarantee that this will happen, for those with the most development of spirit are most likely to respond, while those with spirits less developed are turned off by what you do. Also, however, there are souls not too far advanced for whom songs and music are a special kind of spiritual experience. You want to be better than you are… and in a way that is commendable. You want all to positively and enthusiastically respond to what you do with songs. I just must tell you again that there is no way that this will happen. Do as well as you can, but know that only some will be touched. The more spirit you put into your performance the more some will respond… and the more others will turn away.

Songs are a special kind of story, and most of the songs you do are rather direct stories abbreviated as they are. As Jesus I used parables, another kind of story. I knew, and I said, that for some these parables would make My message and the Kingdom to which it pointed very real and desirable… understandable; for others, however, the parables were confusing… not helpful. The religious leaders saw them as lack of sophistication, an inferior rendition of the Word. But remember, I was and am the Word, and so My Way, as well as My words, bear imitating.

SUN., JAN. 9, 1983, 8:45 AM

After a rather long time of not singing (as a way of encouraging understanding) you are on the verge of a short performance again. I shall immediately reiterate that this small talent is a gift that you are to use sparingly, but that you are to use when opportunities arise. I call you not only to identify, talk about, and write about this spiritual dimension to health, but also to encourage its development. One way of doing this is through songs and music.

I do not call you to become a . . .

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