“Soulistic” Health

SAT., MAR. 14, 1992, 6:52 AM

My servant Bob is sincerely trying to legitimize the spiritual as a part of health, as you are. He is not being called in the same way you are, but I appreciate this work and his interest and I do bless his life. So, as you might expect, I have some observations on the term he is proposing as a substitute for “spiritual” which will be less identified with religion.

Now, naturally, I can only be minimally interested in the development of a spiritual concept that does not involve Me. Christianity, in its various forms, affirms Me as God, Jesus the Christ, and Holy Spirit… Three and yet still One. I am given a good deal of lip service, but I am the most mystical manifestation of this Higher Power, and so most of you Americans are a bit leery of attention to Spirit, even One designated as Holy.

As you often observe some in your culture are excessive in their opposition to matters and symbols that are religious. Your Constitution orders that there be no establishment of one religion, or one denomination… and I see no danger of that happening… but does not affirm that there be no relationship with Me. So, while there is some merit in not having the spiritual dimension to health identified solely with Me, Christianity, or religious thought or practice of any kind, it would be foolish to try to separate it entirely from the religious life.

As I have taught you, your perception of the soul is that of the “immortal you.” When this immortal soul enters a developing human (which may be quite late in the prenatal period… or even after birth) the human-like creation becomes a full human. The soul may be “brand new,” it may be one with experience and maturity as pure spirit, in the earth or in other realms, or it may be one, with more or less maturity, that has been in human form before. This is how I describe the Christian concept of eternal or everlasting life.

The soul is the “seat,” the fount, the Wellspring of spirit. It has no anatomical location, even as it has been most identified with the heart. Rather, it can range from being a small, weak aspect of self, usually overpowered by the physical body, the mind, the emotions, and/or social forces to being the absolutely dominant force in the person’s life. The recognition of spirit by and the manifestation of a spirit from a human is in direct proportion to the “size” and power of his or her soul.

Yes, again it is a case of “to him who has shall more be given and from her who has little it shall be taken away”, that “unfair” truth. As your soul perceives spirit in events, people, the environment it grows, develops, and becomes more dominant in your life. This means that more of what you do is done with spiritual motivations and with spiritual power, and such actions and thoughts also “feed” the soul. (The term “soul food” refers to food that especially “feeds” the soul or that is prepared in ways that show forth a well-fed soul.) Enlarge the meaning… any happening that is affected by your spirit or that touches your spirit feeds your soul, which, naturally, enlarges and enriches the soul’s influence in your life.

Conversely, if one’s soul is “small” it does not perceive spirit in events and happenings. The person’s actions are motivated by bodily urges, emotions, or intellectual choices. Little that the person does or that happens to her feeds her soul, and thus it remains puny and ineffectual. It is difficult to prevent a strong soul from becoming more dominant… and to get a weak soul to grow and show forth more spirit.

SAT., MAR. 14, 1992, 6:52 AM

My servant Bob is sincerely trying to legitimize the spiritual as a part of health, as you are. He is not being called in the same way you are, but I appreciate this work and his interest and I do bless his life. So, as you might expect, I have some observations on the term he is proposing as a substitute for “spiritual” which will be less identified with religion.

Now, naturally, I can only be minimally interested in the development of a spiritual concept that does not involve Me. Christianity . . .

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