Space… And Spirits

TUES., JAN. 4, 1994, 6:58 AM

As you have waited for a title from Me, your friendly Holy Spirit, you have listened to small, quick “footsteps” above your ceiling. This earth is a tangible realm, and so these sounds must represent some small animal reality. And yet whenever you go up to the attic there is no indication of any such creatures. Whatever they are, they can be heard, but not seen.

You read, briefly, yesterday of effects the increasing human population… and the needs of this human wave, actual and developed… upon the earth. These predicted dangers seem real to you, and I have assured you that I, too, am concerned. Your mainstream culture does not share this sense of peril, continuing on with desires for more production and more and more consumption. Your “portion” of the earth is not crowded and is considered “backward” because it is not prospering and drawing more people and jobs to the region. This is one of your blessings… and of this you are aware… the blessing of being rather well-paid for doing a job you love, in a relatively uncrowded place.

Theoretically, there is still plenty of space for the over 5 billion humans, but what about space for other life forms, particularly those threatened by humans and those that seem threatening to humans? As I have told you repeatedly, I have created an incredibly complex ecosystem, one of its “participants” being humans. In Biblical times the human population was small, and their impact on the total system was minimal. In those times there were great forests of cedars in Lebanon. Now these forests are gone, and other forests, not even imagined by that chosen people, are being taken down at an increasing rate. The needs of people seem to dominate, at this time.

I also have told you often that this earth is a special realm for spiritual development, and many souls want to have this human-earth experience. I have allowed this to happen, for I see good growth coming from this crowded, human-dominated realm. It is a unique challenge to the spirit to come forth as a human baby, leaving behind knowledge and understanding of My ways and the ways of spirit “worlds.” It is especially challenging to grow up in a humanistic culture, which teaches that human life is most important and should dominate… or an atheistic culture that denies any reality beyond what can be defined by the physical senses.

You chose, with My guidance, a semi-difficult experience… middle-class American, with some affluence and some experience with part of My Body, even as it was challenged, in your mind, by humanistic education. Then I called you, giving your already developed spirit a nudge. You began to “see through” some of what was assumed to be reality. You moved to this place, the courses you teach allow and encourage this spiritual dimension, and then I decided to come to you more directly. I am generally pleased with your response. I don’t want you to be a “spiritual freak,” but I do want you to actually know the better relationship between human earth life and spirit worlds.

The most typical reaction by one from your culture whose body dies and whose spirit “comes on over” is, “Why didn’t I realize truth when I was on the earth?” “How could I have forgotten, and never regained, this understanding?” You shall recognize that you have, with My help, regained some of this fundamental understanding, but how can you mesh it with the perceptions of your culture… and your profession?

TUES., JAN. 4, 1994, 6:58 AM

As you have waited for a title from Me, your friendly Holy Spirit, you have listened to small, quick “footsteps” above your ceiling. This earth is a tangible realm, and so these sounds must represent some small animal reality. And yet whenever you go up to the attic there is no indication of any such creatures. Whatever they are, they can be heard, but not seen.

You read, briefly, yesterday of effects the increasing human population… and the needs of this human wave, actual and developed… upon the earth. These predicted . . .

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