Speaking Plainly

SAT., DEC. 17, 1988, 6:30 AM

One of the characteristics of these Teachings over the 9 ½ years I have been offering them to you is that in them I speak plainly. Oh, the sentences sometimes are rather long, but this is as much a characteristic of your writing style as of Mine. I use your developed style, but the message is, mystically, Mine. Why should it seem strange that I, the Holy Spirit, would speak in quite a clear, understandable way?

You know the basic answer. The Holy Scriptures, especially when read or remembered in King James’ English, are not always clear and easy to grasp at first reading. And for good Christians these Scriptures are Me, speaking. Well, it was essentially the same process, lo, these many years ago. I encouraged certain people to write, and I used their words and style. I then had to work through editors, translators, interpreters, and those who would include or exclude on the basis of theology of which I didn’t approve – for this Holy tome. I simply call this Bible perfect, and therefore it is, by definition.

If, however, I were to commission a new set of Scriptures for this day and time some of the writing would sound somewhat different. I am not going to initiate such a “project”, however. Over the face of the Earth I am influencing a number of people this very day to hear and to write as I direct. You shall hear of very few of them, and most of them will hear nothing about you and these Teachings. It is not My plan to dominate the earth nor to create some Christian utopia here. I like the interaction and the conflict that my presence and influence bring. And I do like some record of it. And yet the various records will not necessarily sound alike.

What is clear to one person is not clear to another. My servant Mabel has no trouble understanding the messages I send through her, and especially to her directly. Yet most of these are not clear to you, and you wonder why I speak in such a way. Her messages are in the glorious language of the Bible she knows so well. This makes them real. Accordingly, she has trouble with these Teachings, for where is the grandeur? And I say… this is just as it should be.

I do not call you to spend time reading A Course in Miracles. I have not told you this directly, but you seemed to know My Will. (Welcome, o sun). This is not to disparage this book of writings. It contains truth and has been of help to some already in spiritual quests. It is a good contribution to the spiritual literature… even as it will not tell you anything more than what I offer you in these pages. It is clear to some. It is properly vague and mystical to others. I can use its influence.

You know the concept of co-creation. In one sense it borders on blasphemy, equating anything you create as on some comparable level with My creation as Almighty God. In another equally fine sense it represents the spirit of this Christmas season. I, as Almighty God, came to earth as a new-born baby. I was carried by an ordinary young woman. (Again, it is equally proper to revere her as almost God-like and to consider her just as a simple hand-maiden, who just did her part and remained ordinary.) My birth was recorded only by two Gospel writers, and by no historians. Only one incident in my childhood, teen years and early adulthood was recorded. I can come to you… to anyone… and help with the creation process.

Co-creation signifies that I and humans create together. You are proud of some things on your Farm that you and one son or another created. You helped Michael with the bench. He easily could have done it without your help. But it stands as a co-creation. You and he did it. Hooray!

Remember, though, that this does not negate the power and majesty and “apartness” that I still retain. I come to you in friendship and as an equal. Yet I remain as part of the Holy Trinity, above all earthly measures and limited by none. As Jesus I was both a simple preacher and the only Son of God.

SAT., DEC. 17, 1988, 6:30 AM

One of the characteristics of these Teachings over the 9 ½ years I have been offering them to you is that in them I speak plainly. Oh, the sentences sometimes are rather long, but this is as much a characteristic of your writing style as of Mine. I use your developed style, but the message is, mystically, Mine. Why should it seem strange that I, the Holy Spirit, would speak in quite a clear, understandable way?

You know the basic answer. The Holy Scriptures, especially when read or remembered in . . .

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