
MAR. 1, 1981, 5:26 AM

Your position for writing is not comfortable, o son, but the time is appropriate, and your sleep was short and now over. This was a unique opportunity for sharing last evening, and so, as you suspected, I need to comment upon it. All in all, you won’t mind having been wakened a bit early.

This has been the most direct request to hear of what We do together that came out of your “Christmas” letter. Totally, the response was not too bad, considering the brief nature of your statement therein. Your next one (which I urge you to again) shall have somewhat more of a report, and the response shall increase. A number of people also are ready for Ruminations, and that, too, is overdue. I know My requests overlap, but it is important that you reestablish some discipline and some production with your writing. Your spirit has grown, in nurturance from Mine, and this should be displayed in these most intimate of forms. Know that I shall nag you until the tasks are accomplished. Neither is as demanding as you seem to imagine.

The Hills are people who feel My spirit, but no longer call Me by name. I understand this, and I am patient. I have many ways of manifesting Myself, but ultimately all spirit emanates from and links back to My Being. You know Me in My Truest and most complete form: the Lord God Almighty, manifested on the earth as and in Jesus, who became the Christ, and the Holy Spirit, the working, comforting, encouraging Contact with humans in the earth. Am I three? Why not? Am I ultimately One? Of course.

Are you a professor, a writer, and a gardener. Are these three realities… or are you one integrated person? Rather hard to answer, isn’t it? You really can say Yes to both. The analogy is a reasonably good one.

Spirit is such a force that it takes many forms, and I am pleased with this aspect of the earth… and of the other realms of being. You spoke yesterday in your class about Entropy, the concept that non-renewable energy goes from the usable to the unusable, from the available to the less available, from order to disorder. From the law that total energy is not lost consider that as these tangible energy sources diminish the energy that is in spirit increases. From Me, the energy is renewable, and it becomes more evident and usable, more available, and the best means to create order from apparent disorder. Consider this and contribute it to their thinking, if it seems right to do.

MAR. 1, 1981, 5:26 AM

Your position for writing is not comfortable, o son, but the time is appropriate, and your sleep was short and now over. This was a unique opportunity for sharing last evening, and so, as you suspected, I need to comment upon it. All in all, you won’t mind having been wakened a bit early.

This has been the most direct request to hear of what We do together that came out of your “Christmas” letter. Totally, the response was not too bad, considering the brief nature of your statement therein . . .

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