Spirit Abounds!

THURS., JUNE 23, 1994, 6:57 AM

The visit with Andy continues, and, from My perspective, it is going well. There has been much spiritual interchange, and that includes Mike, Mark, and Kathy. As I have encouraged, this has involved a sharing of spirit through discussion of themes and ideas. You should realize that you have here the prototype of the “Ruminations Conference” that you have envisioned but in a small scale. It could be focused a bit more, or it could be as “loose” as this visit has been.

You clearly are enjoying the “freedom” to talk about and hear about spiritual matters. You and Lenore have such conversations from time to time, and you know they could be more often, but it is an additional joy to have this same freedom with another… and in your household. After her visit consider others who might come, if only for a day or so.

This is an era in which there is an abundance of spirit, and there is an increase in the acknowledgement and expression of it. You don’t have to be a pioneering leader. It is more like being on the crest of a wave, and there are many others with you on that wave. Am I causing this to happen? Remember that I am outside of time and space, and therefore I feel no urgency about this happening, say, “before the millennium.” In linear time you can be assured that the past 2,000 years, or even the past 100, have “seen” many changes in human action and in the use of resources. There has been a growth in population that has been both marvelous and scary. Chemicals have been used in abundance, including many that are not part of My natural, created earth. Some of these have enhanced human life, others have abased it, and then there are complex combinations. But I digress.

I see this all happening simultaneously, including events and conditions that you would call “the future.” I certainly have capacities to affect and change conditions in the earth. The Flood is a symbol of this power, as is the Tower of Babel story… and the preview of the Rapture and of Armageddon. I tell you that I use these potentially powerful influences seldom, for, mostly, I see the normal functioning of earth life as being just about as I want it to be.

And, you can imagine, I am more joyful when this “wave of spirit” arises mostly out of natural human/spirit desires rather than something I have engineered and forced on the earth. Oh, I do influence certain, individuals, and you are in the midst of this “influencing.” You shall continue to encourage younger folk to follow their spiritual urges, and join with others (some of whom they “bring in”) to both be and to ride “the wave.”

THURS., JUNE 23, 1994, 6:57 AM

The visit with Andy continues, and, from My perspective, it is going well. There has been much spiritual interchange, and that includes Mike, Mark, and Kathy. As I have encouraged, this has involved a sharing of spirit through discussion of themes and ideas. You should realize that you have here the prototype of the “Ruminations Conference” that you have envisioned but in a small scale. It could be focused a bit more, or it could be as “loose” as this visit has been.

You clearly are enjoying the “freedom” to talk . . .

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