Spirit Abounds

SAT., DEC. 10, 1994, 7:20 AM

Yes, o son, spirit abounds… spirit is everywhere. I created this earth as a tangible realm… a place for many forms of life. I was, and am, the ultimate Creator, and because I am Pure Spirit, all of creation is imbued with spirit. As your individual spirit matures and becomes the “dominant” dimension of your health you become more and more aware of spirit. In those whose spirit is not well developed there is little awareness… even a tendency to deny its importance… or even that it exists at all.

With My constant help you are coming to have more awareness and appreciation of this reality. Yet the many years that you thought as a secular American (even as a secular Christian) are hard to overcome. You tend to be aware of spirit more in retrospect than in the actual experience. For example, your conference with Mark yesterday afternoon was highly spiritual, in both the content and the process, but you are more aware of this now than you were then. He has learned much about this religion and way of life called Islam and about Me Who is called Allah.

Am I a “part” of this faith? Of course… though I am even less acknowledged than I am in Christianity. In your religion I have a designation as Holy Spirit, separate from but also One with Jesus as the Son and God the Father, the Creator and Sustainer. When I, using Gabriel, My chief angel, “gave this holy book, the Koran, to Mohammed, I started another spiritual movement. Thus far there has been much too much competition between these somewhat diverse ways of serving Me. The spirit that is in each, because of Me, should make for more acceptance and cooperation, but, still, each has too much focus on its exclusivity, its “call” to dominate.

But back to you and Mark. It was an academic meeting, focusing much on the mechanics of his paper, but, more importantly, it was an encounter between a young man and his older mentor. I sent him to you, and you are both aware of this. Yet this was not acknowledged as it should have been. It was a conference full of spirit, and you were not appreciative enough of this reality, as it was happening.

And, of course, spirit was in abundance when your classes met out here this week just passing. The actual term was not used much, but there was spirit in groups that were, in one reality, just academic classes, or portions thereof. As they shared with each other their reactions to the class, there was spirit, “abounding.” You should have learned from that… that you should sing and play your funky songs at other times in the course. In fact, you should have done so, on this last day, at the final class meeting. You missed a good opportunity.

SAT., DEC. 10, 1994, 7:20 AM

Yes, o son, spirit abounds… spirit is everywhere. I created this earth as a tangible realm… a place for many forms of life. I was, and am, the ultimate Creator, and because I am Pure Spirit, all of creation is imbued with spirit. As your individual spirit matures and becomes the “dominant” dimension of your health you become more and more aware of spirit. In those whose spirit is not well developed there is little awareness… even a tendency to deny its importance… or even that it exists at all.

With . . .

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