Spirit And (As) Energy

WED., SEPT. 11, 1996, 8:40 AM

In one sense spirit and energy are very much alike, almost identical. In another sense spirit is a form of energy, other forms being more measurable. Or… it could be said that energy is a form of spirit. Each has some merit, and, remember, I, the Holy Spirit am much more drawn to both/and analysis than to either/or.

The fundamental law of thermodynamics (a human perception of a law of My earth) is that energy is not lost or gained, but can only be transformed. In like fashion, spirit is not lost or gained, but can be transformed in a number of ways. Death is a time of spirit transformation. A spirit which has felt confined to a body and perhaps stifled by a mind attuned to humanistic premises, can feel great freedom when the body dies. The brain also dies, and with this death go thoughts that are of only earthly “value”. Spirit has the opportunity, now, of being dominant, but, of course, what this produces depends on the developed state of the spirit.

I have begun to urge you to commence some preparation for this transformation. This doesn’t mean that you will die soon, nor that you will neglect opportunities and responsibilities that will arise. At first it can be quite subtle, as you become more “open” to thoughts and talk about the continuation of spirit, as the body is “dropped”. Now you should be looking forward to retirement from your full-time position and to the freedoms that can bring. This shall be a transformation, and I want it to be as natural as possible.

You suspect that this retirement time will be a shorter portion of this earth life, and so you can “step up” preparation for the next one – out of body and back to pure spirit. You can’t know exactly what this will be like, but I shall give you “hints” over the next years and I can assure you that when you make the trek “across” you will remember much that is familiar.

Many humans… many from your culture… resist death, trying all manner of ways to stay physically alive, because their spirits are not well-developed (or may even have regressed), and they can’t imagine a future in another “dimension”. In contrast, you have the capacity to anticipate spirit realms, and you can be looking forward to this next adventure… for that’s what life should be, in any realm.

Now this spirit and energy theme can lead to speculation about spirit in animals, particularly pets. Just as animals exhibit energy, so they can show forth that special form of energy, called spirit. A few animals become pets for humans, and this is possible because of spirit in the animal, in relationship with the spirit of a person (or spirits of several humans). They can show forth love and affection, responsibility, loyalty, and sacrifice. The spirit in a pet can grow and develop, mostly from the interaction with human spirit or spirits.

When the pet dies the spirit normally doesn’t continue as a soul, in a spirit realm or back into the earth. Rather the spirit realm transforms back into Me, the Holy Spirit, the Wellspring Supreme of spirit. However, some of that spirit may continue on with the human or humans with whom it had close interaction. You certainly have some of Charity’s spirit… even a bit of Pooh Bear’s.

Yours is a human spirit, the major element in your “everlasting” soul. Yet it can be enriched by the spirits of special students, of groups of people, by your church congregation, by family members… and also by places, events, and pets. You are helping Mele’s spirit grow, for she has much spirit, much of it untamed and “wasteful”. She, in turn, may come to abet your spirit, as well as the spirit of your Farm.

WED., SEPT. 11, 1996, 8:40 AM

In one sense spirit and energy are very much alike, almost identical. In another sense spirit is a form of energy, other forms being more measurable. Or… it could be said that energy is a form of spirit. Each has some merit, and, remember, I, the Holy Spirit am much more drawn to both/and analysis than to either/or.

The fundamental law of thermodynamics (a human perception of a law of My earth) is that energy is not lost or gained, but can only be transformed. In like fashion, spirit . . .

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